The smile of a girl,a poem by Jitu Das Poems

Assamese Happy new Year wishes 2014 by Jitu Das

আজি ৩১-১২-১৩ । জীৱনৰ পৰা আকৌ এটা বছৰ পাৰ হৈ গ'ল । বছৰটোত জানো আপুনি বিচৰা বস্তু সকলো পালেনে ? যদি নাপালে, ইয়াৰ অৰ্থ এই নহয় যে আপোনাৰ বছৰ অথলে গ'ল কিয়নো এই ধুনীয়া পৃথিবীত জীয়াই থকাটোৱে এটা মহান কথা । আমি সকলোৱে জীৱনক যিমান গুৰুত্ব দিয়া উচিত সিমান কোনো দিনে নিদিও । জীয়াই থকাৰ মূহুৰ্তত  আপুনি কেৱল জীয়াই থকাতে আনন্দ পাব জানিব লাগিব । জীয়াই থকাৰ আনন্দৰ বাবে আপোনাক প্ৰথম কথা মানুহৰ সংগ লাগিব, তাৰোপৰি লাগিব এটা কৌতুহলী মন, এটা সংগীত, চিনেমা,কিতাপ, প্ৰকৃতি ভালপোৱা মন ।আটাইতকৈ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ বস্তুটো হ'ল এটা কাম । কাম বা কৰ্ম অবিহনে জীয়াই থকাৰ আনন্দ কেতিয়াও নাথাকে । কামৰ উদ্দেশ্য কি ? বেছিভাগ মানুহে কাম কৰে কেৱল ধন ঘটাৰ স্বাৰ্থত, প্ৰকৃততে কামৰ উদ্দেশ্য হৈছে নিজৰ ব্যক্তিত্বৰ প্ৰকাশ কৰা । সকলোৰে ব্যক্তিত্ব বেলেগ বেলেগ, সকলোৰে কৰি ভাল পোৱা কামো বেলেগ । আপোনাৰ ব্যক্তিত্ব নিৰ্ভৰ কৰে আপোনাৰ শৰীৰ আৰু পৰিবেশৰ ওপৰত । কিছুমান মানুহে চিন্তা কৰি ভাল পায়, কিছুমান মানুহে হাতেৰে কাম কৰি ভাল পায়, কিছুমানে কথা পাতি ভাল পায়, কিছুমান গান গাই ভাল পায়, কিছুমান খেল খেলি ভাল পায় । চক্ৰেটিছে কৈছিল নিজক জানা । বহুতে কয় আনক জনাতকৈ নিজক জনা বেচি টান । সৰু ল'ৰা বা ছোৱালী এজনীক সকলোৱে এটা প্ৰশ্ন শুধে বাবা বা মইনা তুমি ডাঙৰ হ'লে কি হ'বা ? ডাক্টৰ, ইঞ্জিনীয়াৰ নে প্ৰ্ফেছৰ ? বেছিভাগে ঘৰত শিকোৱা মতে উত্তৰ দিয়ে । কিন্তু সেই সৰু কালতে এটা শিশুৱে কেনেকৈ জানিব সি কি হ'ব বিচাৰে !! সি যদি জানে সি কি হ'ব বিচাৰে বা জীৱনত কৰিব বিচাৰে,যদি সেইটো ঘৰে বিচৰা মতে নহয়, তেতিয়াহ'লে সি কৰিব । এই সমস্যা আজি বেছিভাগ যুৱ-প্ৰ্জন্মৰে । ইয়াৰ সমাধান হ'ল ভাবি-চিন্তি এটা সিদ্ধান্ত লোৱা ।  
সকলোকে নৱবৰ্ষৰ ২০১৪ ৰ সুভকামনা জনালো আৰু আশা কৰিলো যে এই বছৰটো আপুনি জীৱনত কি বিচাৰে জানি লয় আৰু তাক লক্ষ্য কৰি  জীৱনত দোপত দোপে আগুৱাই যায় ।

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1. Assamese Happy New Year wishes 2015

Assamese eating style by Jitu Das

  • In our Assam, breakfast is done twice, first breakfast is done around 7 am with tea and  biscuits, and dozen of food items made of rice. 
  • Our next breakfast is done around 9 am to 10 am usually with rice, dal, mashed potato, burned brinjal than mashed and add salt, chili, oil. Egg is not a daily part of our breakfasts, but twice or three times a week, we eat boiled eggs in our breakfast. 
  • Well, as our breakfast is done around 9 - 10 am.
  •  If everyone is at home, then we take another tea around 12 - 1 pm. Then we take our lunch around 2 pm. 
  • Then around 5- 6 pm, we take our evening tea and at 9 to 10 am we eat dinner together. We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Lunch is not done together most days, because everyone has to go to their duties.

The obstacles in the path of being yourself by Jitu Das philosophy

 How to deal with  the obstacles in the path of being yourself
  • You gotta do just what your heart tells you to. By heart I mean the  subconscious  mind. There are many obstacles in the path of just being yourself. Sometime shyness and fear of what would people say ? 
  • Sometime your friends and family may say that you don't have the balls to do it. Some time you may get confused of who you are, what you need and want. Know that you are a version of yourself constantly developing or  non developing   depending on what you are doing and thinking now.
  •  Know that  your thoughts are the biggest  obstacles  in the path being yourself. If your thoughts are bad,filled with doubt,confusion,  jealousy, inferiority, depression, boredom, hopelessness or helplessness, fear then you are certainly not having a good mood. You can not have a good mood. I think that these bad thoughts come to you together, these bad thoughts are very strongly linked with each other. 
  • Whenever you get such bad moods, know that there is cause for everything. Maybe you didn't sleep well last night, that is why you are having a bad mood. When you don't sleep well at night, next day you are gonna wake up zombie, you have to carry your body, sluggishness,  headache, anxiety, restlessness they are symptoms of not sleeping or sleeping very late at night. You may think about sleeping late and waking up late, but waking up late next day won't help, the body works with a biological watch not with your digital watch. In the morning, the adrenal gland will release the cortin, to wake you up. That is why it is very very important that you sleep well   every night  to make your days very very productive.
  • Sometime people suffer both ways, they suffer when do not get what they want, they still suffer when they get what they want. It is because  until  you get what you really need you can not find satisfaction. Without satisfaction you are only going to suffer. Do you know that romantics use their sufferings into something beautiful. But the problem is that there are many people become sadist turning their life a sad story.
  •  You think that you can control your life. But do you want to control something is already beautiful ? It takes much more efforts at the wrong place to make life sad than it takes less efforts at the right place to make life beautiful.

Solaris (2002), an existential sci fi film, by Jitu Das film reviews

Solaris( 2002) directed, cinematographed and screenplay by Steven Sodenberg. The Solaris movie ( 2002) is a remake of Solaris( 1972). The story of the film is based on the novel of the same name Solaris written by Polish writer Stanislaw Lem.
Solaris stars actor George Clooney and actress Natacsha Maclhone. 
The film Solaris is about a psychologist Dr. Chris Kelvin, who is with teammate Snow and Gordon in outer space called Solaris. Solaris is a very mysterious and strange place unlike any other space region, where each member of the team gets a visitor from their life in earth. Chris gets the visit of his dead wife as if she never died. The wife does not remember how she got there, but she remembers her life on earth. Chris doubts the reality of his wife Rheya and thinks of her appearance as a dream. The whole start to get a visitor of their own. Chris gets afraid of seeing his wife alive in his bed after waking up. He sents off his wife in the space then regrets. But Rheya visits again. His teammate Snow and Gordon find a way to make the visitor disappear and not appear again. But Chris is not letting Rheya go this time. When the second Rheya found out about Chris sending off her in the space, she drank liquid oxygen and she dies. After a while when Chris finds her, he carries her to bed and lay her down, then Snow and Gordon rushes to the room. Then strange things start to happen. They start to come back to life again. His team tells him that she is not human and suggests Chris not to get emotionally involved with her.

The replicas of Rheya also said Chris to use the technique of High to make her disappear forever. But Chris stays all night awake because she could make herself disintegrate while he is asleep.
Later the find that they don't have enough fuel to return to earth. They call for another spaceship Athena to take them.
One day, when Chris cuts her finger in the kitchen, his wounds heal instantly. They told Chris that Solaris is the place where life and death transcends.
Gordon leaves the Solaris to Earth in Athena. But Chris stays with Rheya in the Solaris making up the mistake he had done by leaving Rheya in the earth, for which reason Rheya killed herself.

List of films that inspired me most by Jitu Das

These films have inspired me most -

1.Lord of the Ring series,
2. The matrix series,
3. The fountain,
4. The fall,
5. The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind,...
6. Bucket list
7. Midnight in paris,
8. Wimbledon
9. Total recall( new)
10. Its a wonderful life
11. Harold and Kumar goes to white castle
12. How to train your dragon
13. Kung fu panda
14. Karate Kid series
15. Jacki Chan's films
16. Kill bill 
17. I am Reed fish
18. Peaceful warrior
19. Charlie
20. Swadesh, we the people
21. The motorcycle diaries
22. The city slickers
23. Twelve angy man
24. The school of Rock 
25. Blast from the past
26. The Jurassik park.
27. The Schlinder's list
28. Artificial Intelligence
29. Super 8
30. E.T.
31. Fearless
32. Once upon a time in China
33. Kung fu hustle
34. Twelve monkeys
35. Stargate
36. Back to the future series
37. Star trek series
38. Star war series.
39. The fifth element
40. Wall E
41. Inception
42. Terminator series 
43. Aliens series
44. The dark knight
45. Batman begins
46. The dark knight rises
47. Stranger than fiction
48. Groundhog day
49. Fear and loathing in Las vegas
50. The rum diary
51. Finding neverland
52. Alice in wonderland
53. Snow falling on cedars
54. Being there
55. Hero by Jet Lee
list will be increasing everyday, because I watch films everyday. Ha ha 

Deep life poems "Walking alone on the road "by Jitu Das poems

Just walk along the road,
things are never perfect
 in the real world,
you seek the perfect person in your life, 
you are tired of waiting now
you are in the void,nothing can
 fill the voidness inside your soul.
You do not know what to do, all...
 you search is a good soul that can love you.
You want to speak out, you hold your
 feelings deep down, you search 
everyday all the time.
You do not know now what is
 the righ thing to do
you get confused because everybody 
is speaking something else of their own.
But now you wanna change it all,
you should follow your dream,
you have troubles to accept
 even your dream,
Once you were a child,
little child dreamt a life,
now you are young, you can dream too, 
dream is what makes you unique,
you don't have to wish to be someone, 
who have what you don't
Be yourself, be the version that is better.
I know you are afraid,
you just want to be loved,
you hold yourself back,
you are young and you have to 
learn how to live,
but you have to learn life by living, 
experiencing insult, punch to a
 sweet kiss from a girl.

Biography of Leo Tolstoy by Jitu Das Biographies

Untill I was 16, I wanted to become a doctor. Then I started watching film. It gave hope, I had to do something better ! Then I read the book, An idealist view of life by Dr. Sarbapalli Radhakrisnan. I started to doubt the religions then. Now I do not know what I want to be anymore, but I love writing.

You see, I want to do good and there is so much good things to do in the world. Philosophy can also be a good if it inspires love, kindness and understanding. I am now going to say the name that inspired me most.
 His name is Leo Tolstoy. His stories inspired me to love any people. His stories are amazing. Tolstoy said that god lives in the service of mankind. 
Yes,He made school for the farmers, he sewed shoes of beggers, he worked in the farmer even though he was rich. When the people of Russia were going in the wrong direction, he gave the people wisdom. He wrote the stories for the people. His stories still guides people to understand life. 
I read his stories in  Assamese  at first. Some of his stories were translated into my mother tongue  Assamese  by Surendra mohan Das. The book was a birthday gift to me by my aunt.
My  favorite  stories are -
 1. what men live by 
  2. How much land does a man need
  3. Where love is, god is
  4. Two  Pilgrims.....
But what trully made me who I am is a result of the experiences of life. The thousands of films, music, hundred of books, the bbc documentaries, pbs, the people influenced me to be me. I am not inspired by one man and I know you are not inspired by one person too.

If you have not read his stories, here is the link of archive, where you can listen to his great stories.I know you will love it.-

Real love poems by Jitu Das Poems

I do not feel right, the world is changing,
the evolution is happening, there is a revolution inside,
I don't why ! 
I can not see the road, the fog is on the road,
My hands are cold,frost is wrapping my heart,
I do not need you now, ...
I am about to become a statue of stone
I was  waiting  for you all the tine, I thought that you would give me love.
I close my eyes and see your face
It is so cold, the birds flew elsewhere, the trees went to deep sleep wrapping the frost.
The river is not flowing, the waterfall is not falling. Why the world has stopped moving ?
These dark days never seems to end,
these frosty night of winter, I don't know why the people can't see through me to know what I feel.
This  loneliness  is aching my heart, my heart is suffocating, its turning into a heavy.
Then the moon sighed, you poor boy.
I am a poor boy and you are not with me.
You and I should have been together.
Oh how I wish to touch your hair. Wish you were here, I could hold you for ever.
It is freezing, my feet and hands.
I am not afraid to die, I am afraid to spend this winter alone.
What is holding me ? Why can't I move ? Rules are the frost and I am helpless, courage is fading.

These days are dark and lonely, I am hoping for a brighter tomorrow.
The sunshine will break me free, waiting for the sunshine to warm my heart, waiting for the sunshine to give me the spirit.
I can not control the universe,all I am hoping is the sunshine.
Time seems like it has ceased moving,
winter is so cold, perhaps it freezed the time too.
Wish I could meet you soon, I am going all alone on the life road.
Holding hands, I want to walk the road with you. 
I have a feeling that you are waiting for me on the road.
I am walking even though its not a road, where I am going ? I don't even know ! Its just non reasonable to follow my heart,yet I just walk even though its not a main road.
The road to nowhere, I am going somewhere in an old stem engine train. By the lake the train is moving making vapour and I am watching through window,the full moon swimming in the lake racing. Its cold breeze flowing inside, my hair is dancing. It is a shirt of wool, what a Divine feeling, is this real or is it a dream ?

In the sea , I am rowing my small boat all alone, storm and waves are rising high to kill my soul. With every row, my body feels like breaking down to thousand pieces of bones. I have no compass, no map, no, nothing at all. I am lost thousand times more within lost. 
All I can do is survive the night, even though I am all alone, I know in my heart I will be meeting you on the shore soon.

How to make hard things easy by Jitu Das Philosophy

When you think that something is hard and complex, it becomes what you think.
If you think something as easy, it becomes easy.
But how ?
When you think of something as easy, you find a reason to be interested. Then you become interested to... spend time with it. Then with time, you find it more easy. It could be anything. 
When you think of something as hard, you will find it silly to even try it whether it is easy or not. So, then you get scared of failing in it that you do not want to try. You may have failed in it in the past, but that past does not have any power over you. And you are not the same. You have grown more wiser, health and strength.
Hey, you, do not be discouraged to try again. You got to keep trying to be what you want to be.

You may think that you can't control destiny. Destiny is what you become at the end of your life. Life is too damn short. Everyday is a new day. Today you are better than yesterday. Today is different than yesterday or any other day that ever happened.
Today is not a same day, just because sun rises up same in east everyday. Believe that it is a new day.
In the past you may have failed to do it perfectly. It is okay, you do not have to be perfect. Do not be a perfectionist. Stop complaining about what you can not do, do what you can do. Always remember that when you doubt that you can not do what you want to do, then in the end you do nothing. So, just trust yourself. At first, just do the parts that you find easy, then you can confidence in your heart that you can do it. Then you will wonder why didn't I just trusted myself before I could have done better. But it is okay, better late than never. So, trust yourself and just do it ! 
You can make things easy by changing the perception.To change the perception you must first have strong will to do that.

How to deal with the anger and frustration feelings by Jitu Das


Someday  when you get angry, so mad that you feel like you are gonna die, then don't loose it. Hold on, deep inside you want to shout so loud that the whole world will heart. You start to think that what is the reason ? You ask yourself why... am I so mad, why am I not feeling so bad.
It feels like you can not move. Your heart is in hell. Your heart seeks the intimacy that can give peace to your soul.
Who am I ? You ask yourself. You already are bored to death.
You want to run away. You think you can not move forward anymore.
You feel like its the dead end. You do not have the enough strength to break these wall. One wall after another. After all they are brick wall.

You want to shout. There is a pain within no one can see. Pain has its strength, you should always remember it. Whatever gives you pain, makes you stronger.
Its not the pain, you fear. You fear strength. There is coward within who lives drinking your weakness.

The coward creates weakness and fear withing with these words- No, don't, you can't, what would people think , who do you think you are, you are a little man, you can never be great at anything, you will never be loved, you will never be happy, rich , you are weak, you are little .. 

Don't listen to him. Even though you may loose the ability to see goodness in yourself, you must not stop believing that there is something within.
You must trust yourself. Surrender. Do not doubt. There is both good and evil within. Trust the good.

Whenever you get angry over nothing. Know there is always a cause behind your anger. For example, someone telling you that you are not good enough. When someone tells you that you can not do what they do. Don't feel sad or low about. Always remember that just because you are not doing what they are doing does not make you lesser human being as long as you are doing what you love. All you have to do is what you can do, want to do. You do not have be everything and do everything. You just keep doing what makes you forget all the worries of the world.

Trust the universe, but don't close your eyes or don't just do nothing. You still have to do what you can do. The remaining task will be figured out own its own. All you have to do is what you can do. If you desire to do something great, know that great works are not done in just a night. Its like building a wall of brick, you have to build by placing one brick after another. You can't build the break in one step. 
Be patient. Take deep breath. Take care of today, tomorrow will be fine. Yesterday, I have found a truth that the greatest purpose of life is to LIVE, following PASSION, doing GOOD to people, to nature.

Nelson Mandela died at the age of 95 on 5 Dec. 2013


Nelson Mandela, world's most famous politician died at the age of 95 on 5  December  2013.He was born on  18 July 1918  in the village of Mvezo in Umtatu, then a part of South Africa's Cape Province
He was given the nobel prize for peace in the year 1993. He shared the prize with the president F.W. De Klrek, who released Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela was arrested because he created a group of army against the government. Mandela served 27 years of imprisonment.
In 1994, Nelson Mandela became first black president not only of South Africa but also of the world by fully representative democratic election. Nelson became a living legend when he brought freedom with reconciation. Mandela is the ideal politician infact the most loved and respected president in the world.

My only love poem by Jitu Das love poems

                                                LOVE POEMS BY Jitu Das

                                                            1. My ancient feeling   

Oh universe, there is a feeling within me,
 an ancient feeling that was born with me. 
This feeling has been always my dear,
 it lives in the middle my heart.
There is a feeling within
, that always stays near,
 just like the sun in the... night.
This feeling whispers and never shout, 
 may be it learned to be silent too

This feeling stays the same,
 I grow old everyday.
This feeling is not what I
 was supposed to feel !
My feelings tell me who 
I am and what I want 
and yet I do not trust my
 ancient feeling,
what make me to resist 
my own self ? 
Why is that we do not want to 
get what we need deep within ?
What is the reason one chose 
to suffer than love ?
Deep within me that feeling lies,
I can ignore but can not deny,
once in a while I feel the feeling to love
 and to be beloved too, I do not know why.

                                                       2. The dream girl's love

It is the power of true love,
 believe it my love,
there is a great power within love.
Once in a dream you came to me,
If I could only see you again, 
even if in a misty dream.
I can not remember your face anymore,
 as the days goes by, I will... 
be forgetting you soon.
Its 21st century, don't blame me,
 everybody is doing party
I am standing all alone in the doorway, 
should I find you or find
 anyone in the way.
Destination taking me away,
I am sitting in a train,
 travelling the world,
Look where the train took me,
 to the loneliest place in the world, to my heart.
How am I supposed to find a 
girl I once saw in a dream ?
In the sea of people, 
you must be my island.
I must rest, travelling all around the 
world, should I stop searching ?
That special dream among 
thousand forgotten, how am 
I supposed to find my dream !
My love, I can not go on no more,
 wish you were here to hold me now,
I am about to fall, I stand at 
the mountain Himalaya,
its cold, I am freezing,
Wish you were here to 
take me to hold and kiss.

How to stop worrying and start expressing yourself by Jitu Das

                          ARTICLE 150 

Sometime you get sad, its okay if it is temporary. Our mood changes. Why ? There are many reasons why you feel sad just after an hour ago you were happy. I think that 
the main reason is fear. Fear of what ? We all have our own fear. 
What the biggest fear in life, it is fear of death. But most people are not worrying about that right now. What is the thing that they are afraid of ? It is the fear of uncertain future. So, what can you do to overcome this fear of uncertain future. You get a degree, get a job and then get married and have kids. But does that gonna make you fearless of future. Well, nothing can make you fearless of fear unless you start living your best in present, today with your friends, family and neighbour.

At some point in life, no one may believe you. Your parents, friends and teachers, relatives may doubt you. But my dear reader, you must never lose hope. There is always hope to be better, do better than yesterday.

In your soul you must have hope that one day you will find your dream. Right now it may seem all dusty. But know that you are already walking the road of life and the destiny is where you belong.

About 60 thousand thoughts come around a day. Thought exists in the neuron cell as an impulse. I think Thoughts are more in people who have so much interesting memories. Maybe that is why who reads books, watch movies, t.v., listen music think more. 
Thinking is what makes us human. But if you do not think good, it is called worry. The only way to stop worrying is doing the right thing( moral.)
Marry Curie, was a great inspiring woman who discovered radium with her husband Parie Curie. They were both great.
Marie Curie had to work as a servant girl but she never stopped following her passion.
Marie Curie said that there is nothing to fear in the world, only to understand. And that is a quote to live by.
The only way to prove that a thought exist is by expressing it by artistic, scientific way or in a normal conversation and with  smiles.

A walk in the clouds(1995 is a very beautiful romantic film, a review by JituDas

                                        ARTICLE 149

A walk in the clouds ( 1995) is a very beauiful film. The film was directed by Alfanso Arau. It starrs actor Keanu Reeves and actress Aitana Sanchez Gijon. Keanu Reeves was 31 years old when the film was made.I watched this film 4 days ago. It was on my list. But I never knew that it was so beautiful. The colors, music, the people they are all beautiful. There is many thing that makes a film beautiful. The people who stars, the director, the  cinematographer.I do not know why Bollywood do not do cinematography. It is the cinematography that makes the film so beautiful. 

A good cimematography creates a magical beauty. It makes the world look more beautiful than we we know it as.A walk in the clouds was made beautiful by the  cinematographer  Emmanuel Lubezki. Emmanuel Lubezki was nominated 5 times for oscar for the amazing films such as Great expectation, Children of man( 2005), Gravity ( 2013).
There is another part of a film that makes it beautiful and do you know what it is. It is the music, the soundtrack. Without the beautiful soundtracks in a film, I can not dream of a beautiful film. I believe that good music creates a bridge between the viewers and the characters, that world, that time to your world and to your time.The soundtrack was created by Maurice Jarre. Very beautiful soundtrack. The guitar does the trick. 

I believe that good film can give you psychedalic experience.
I know it is hard to find a good film and beautiful to watch, when everybody is a critic. I am not a critic. I am a lover of beautiful things and I just want to share the joy in living that I find.
Don't listen to the critics. A film doesn't have to be perfect just like life and everything else.
The greatest reason I am recommending you to watch this film is because its a beautiful. A thing of beauty is a joy of forever, said by John Keates, the medical student who became a great romantic poet. I believe that with my heart because I myself find joy in beautiful things.

The sound of music(1965),an inspiring film to watch


1. The sound of Music ( 1965) is a very inspiring film. It is visually so beautiful that you can not think that it was made in 1965. It won 5 Oscar that year. At that time maybe my parents even didn't bear.
2. The actress Julie Andrews has a very beautiful voice, indeed a strong voice. The whole cast was great.
3. The music and songs are romantic. The film inspires everyone to love and play music. Music is soothing and creating a happy mood that makes you fall in love with music. Music is a great thing. I believe that everyone has music within. Everyone should sing sometimes like they did in their childhood. 
4. I used to shout so much when I was a kid, there was a girl in the neighbor who used to ask why do I shout and says that she could listen to her house. She was older than me. But why I used to shout so loud? Maybe it was joy overflowing from my heart. Every kid shouts and laugh, dance and sing and then run. Why the adults do not do that?
Why don't we sing and dance and be merry rather than criticizing and comparing other people?
5. Maybe it is because we become fools as we kill our wisdom by memorizing notes for good grades and black money and bribes.


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