English Life-quotes Book part 1 by JItu Das Books (2012-13)
- If you want something get it, if you don't get it, there will be a belief arise in your subconscious mind that you can't get what you want.-Jitu Das
- Don't search for the perfect one, who loves, cares and understand is the one you need.-Jitu Das
- Beautiful flower in my yard always makes me happy. I want you be happy too, enjoy the little things because they are available all the time, you just need to notice the beauty and glory around you. Be happy. Love the people you live with, I mean your family. Without the love of your family you are nothing. To be loved . You need to love too. No one love back unless you love. So learn to love to be loved, enjoy and appreciate the love and be happy ;-) ~ Jitu Das.
- If you have a interest in something, you will know it all the time. Only thing you need to do is keep your interest in that something, don't let die. -Jitu Das
- When everything seems to go against you, then seat down and concentrate on breathing, feel your every breath, just breath. When you feel calm, then pray, tell god about all your worries and problems , a way always comes out - Jitu Das.
- Do not cry over the past because tears are blurring the beauty you can see,beauty that is all around now-Jitu Das
- Forgive those whom once you have trusted to be your friends,but you were betrayed,ridiculed and laughed by them.Forgive them for the wrong they have done.Because Forgiving feels much more better than holding the sadness,anger they have caused. Because the sadness inside is making you weak and feel miserable.
- The jealousy inside you is hurting you,do not be jealous.Make your life beautiful rather than being jealous of what other's have done with their life.You can do much better than them. If you have a interest in something, you will know it all the time. Only thing you need to do is keep your interest in that something, don't let die. -Jitu Das
- Do not feel proud,when you achieve more than you fellow people.Inspire them to achieve more,because inspiring feels much more than better than feeling proud and belittle others in your mind. If you have a interest in something, you will know it all the time. Only thing you need to do is keep your interest in that something, don't let die. -Jitu Das
- Look at the people as a miracle,as a beauty,do not judge them as bad or inferior,because everything has a beauty and goodness inside it. If you have a interest in something, you will know it all the time. Only thing you need to do is keep your interest in that something, don't let die. -Jitu Das
- Do not try to define god,know and believe that god as an enlightenment with which life becomes beautiful,peaceful and lovely.-Jitu Das
- God is an enlightenment,one must seek.Do not believe in god like machines following the orders,search for the truth and in truth,you will find god.-Jitu Das
- Enlightenment is a view that shows you the connection between yourself and universe. Enlightenment makes life serene and beautiful.Enlightenment brings freshens in life, makes you fall in love with life,world and universe. -Jitu Das
- When you achieve enlightenment,you gain the truth of who you are.-Jitu Das
- If you want to be a great person,then you must inspire others to be great too.- Jitu Das
Copyright © 2016 Jitu Das. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Halodhiya Choraye Baodhan khai( The Catastrophe) ( 1987) ,a great assamese film by Jitu Das film reviews
Directed by Jahnu Barua
Produced by Sailadhar Baruah Starring Indra Bania, Badal Das, Purnima Pathak, Pranjal Saikia, Tara Music by Satya Baruah Cinematography Anoop Jotwani Edited by Heu-en Barua Production Company Dolphin Films Pvt. Ltd Release dates 1987 Running time 120 min |
Angels and insects 1995 film review by Jitu Das film reviews

I loved the movie, mostly because it's about a scientist falls in love with a beautiful gitl ftom a sristocratic family. The plot of the story revolves around 1850, when Darwin published his book on origin of species. The scientist William Adamson marries the daughter named Eugenia and lives with the family and also studies the insects of the estate. In his study, a girl named named Matty Crompton shows her great interest in insects and asssist and inspire William to write a book on Insect behaviour. And there are other much interesting parts of the story that I can't tell because it will be a spoiler.
I highly recommend you to watch the film. Music by Alexender Balanescu was a great treat to me as I am a lover of classicsl music.
Assamese Film Bahniman 2016 review by Jitu Das film reviews
- There are many good things about Bahniman, but sadly it might not be able to make Bahniman a hit, but who knows at the end Bahniman may become a hit. The trailer was a hit all over Assam, everyone was talking about it.
- One of the good thing about Bahniman is that this film has good actors, Jatin Bora, Yashpal Sharma,Ravi Janghu, Bishu Kharghoria ,Arun Hazarika. I found Arun Hazarika at his best, he kept the comic vibe in the whole movie. He will make you lough for sure.
- The action scenes were ok, but it would not be very appealing to you are used to Martial arts movies. But anyway there are plenty of actions. One scene where there is a chase in the speed boat, that scene is great and puts in the film in the action genre. The soundtrack " Kola kola" by Angarag Mahanta( Papon) is a great song and uplifts the film.
- The main element - the story, dialogues are ok, but lengthy and repetitive, which might annoy some people or excite other people. The story involves 4 friends who were separated by an horrible event, where a Land-Mafia Kanu Sharma kills the parents who owned a land in Guwahati city. The story mainly involves the Land-maffia and Police and a political leader who plans to destroy Guwahati city by bringing Bangladeshi militant.
Final Comment about Assamese Film Industry : To answer the real question do I recommend this film to watch is tough for me. As an Assamese , I have got to say yes, because Assamese film industry is not at it's best time, even though great Jyotiprasad Agarwala made first Assamese film " Joymoti " in 1935 and I keep wonderning why filmmakers of Assam are not making movies like Jahnu Barua, Munin Barua, Jadumani Dutta, Sumon Harippriya etc. What they did was always felt like assamese movies. I think to keep the assamese films alive , we can't just save it or grow the industry just by watching by any assamese film, we have to work hard all the people related industry to trust in our culture and learn from our great directors like Jahnu Barua, Munin Barua, who made assamese films 10 years ago and people still watch those films in Tv.
Donald Trump wins Presidential election 2016, becomes 35 th President of America
Donald Trump wins the presidential election , becomes the 45 th president Of America. Trump has changed the whole election campaigning style. With slogans like Make America great, America first slogan, he has gained the huge support. Trump was falsely accused by many woman of rape, with his attitude and personality which was mostly negative on media, but Trump had a massive support from the south. But why did Hillary couldn't win?? Maybe because of her elite style, with international friends, policys they were not as appealing to people as Donald Trump's most controversial election campaign with huge promises like No immigrants, no war, make America great again etc. It is best not to judge him even though media has bashed his image. Let's see what happens, does he remain as ignorant as the media portrays or prove them wrong and bring international peace. As an Indian I can hope India gets support from America to fight terrorism of Pakistan as they are backed by China.
Before the Flood, A must watch Documentary for everyone
Before the Flood, a documentary about climate change made by Leonardo DiCaprio, most influential environmentalist in the world right now. He is also United nation's Peace messenger. He has really inspired me a lot to work toward conservation and to become a environmentalist. I urge everyone to watch the documentary, you can find it in youtube on this link
Fisheries and Aquatic Research Publications by Jitu Das Research works
- Water quality assessment of Nursery pond in Dabliapara in Barpeta District, Assam. Research Journal, Volume-II, No. 1,June 2016, ISSN NO. 2455-6637, Published by Research Cell, (IQAC), Barama College,Barama ,2016
- Water quality assessment of Capture and culture fishery in Barpeta District,Assam, India Published by International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
- Medicinal Plant wealth of wetlands in Barpeta
District ,The paper has been accepted for publication in
the proceeding Volume of seminar
organized by ADP College having
ISBN no. - Current status of Fish Diversity of Kamandanga beel of Kokrajhar District, Assam, India
- with a brief note it’s threat and conservation
published by International journal of Plant,
Animal and Environmental Sciences, Volume 7 , Issue 1, ISSN NO. 2231-4490
Quality Assessment of water bodies and Human Interfereces in Lower Assam, India,
published in Environment, Ecology and Humans : Challenges and Contestations (2016),
ISBN- 978-93-82549-55-0, Published by Tandrita Bhaduri for Rachayita
- Physiocochemical Parameters of Pagaldia River , A
northern tributeries of Bharmhaputra river in
Assam“Research Journal, Bajali College,
Pathsala,(2014)A peer reviewed
research journal of Science and Humanities,Vol-1,No-1,ISSN-23498374
About My Interest for Biodiversity Conservation by Jitu Das
My interest for conservation of nature and wildlife is from my childhood. Nature and its beauty has always fascinated me. Watching documentaries of wildlife and conservation has always inspired me to do the same as those scientist and researchers are working for the conservation. My recent inspiration for conservation came from the environmentalist Dr.Zeb Hogan who is a WWF senior freshwater fellow. My childhood motivation for doing conservation came from great David Attenborough and his shows like BBC Life, Mammals, Planet earth etc. In my highschool , I wanted to become a doctor and in Higher secondary final I realized that I should do B.Sc in Zoology, I chose Zoology only because I hoped then that I would one day become like those nature conservationists I grew up watching on National Geographic. When in College, there was a lot of killing of leopards in Assam, I wrote a article about why should we save the tigers. Northeast is one of the top biodiversity hotspots in the world, and as an Assamese, it is my duty to protect the biodiversity of Assam . A late Zoology professor from my College , has always motivated me to work in wildlife and conservation. Most of all the real reason for joining the nature and wildlife conservation is that I find this work meaningful. I find conservation and research work as original work that for which I have an innate desire. Besides , I enjoy working in the fields, travelling and interacting with people and people have always been very good with me in my both project works in B.Sc and M.Sc.. In the case study of cancer patients I had to be very carefully while asking question. In my recent project about culture and seed production in Chinese hatchery system , I had to ask a lot of question, meet a lot of fish farmers and ask the questions about investment and profit, but people were good to me and answered the questions. At last, I would like to say that I wish that I am selected because I really am interested in research line more than anything, I have realized that now and nothing would bring me greater joy than joining the post.
Jitu Das, Bajali College, P.G. Department of Zoology, Pathsala, Assam
My interest for conservation of nature and wildlife is from my childhood. Nature and its beauty has always fascinated me. Watching documentaries of wildlife and conservation has always inspired me to do the same as those scientist and researchers are working for the conservation. My recent inspiration for conservation came from the environmentalist Dr.Zeb Hogan who is a WWF senior freshwater fellow. My childhood motivation for doing conservation came from great David Attenborough and his shows like BBC Life, Mammals, Planet earth etc. In my highschool , I wanted to become a doctor and in Higher secondary final I realized that I should do B.Sc in Zoology, I chose Zoology only because I hoped then that I would one day become like those nature conservationists I grew up watching on National Geographic. When in College, there was a lot of killing of leopards in Assam, I wrote a article about why should we save the tigers. Northeast is one of the top biodiversity hotspots in the world, and as an Assamese, it is my duty to protect the biodiversity of Assam . A late Zoology professor from my College , has always motivated me to work in wildlife and conservation. Most of all the real reason for joining the nature and wildlife conservation is that I find this work meaningful. I find conservation and research work as original work that for which I have an innate desire. Besides , I enjoy working in the fields, travelling and interacting with people and people have always been very good with me in my both project works in B.Sc and M.Sc.. In the case study of cancer patients I had to be very carefully while asking question. In my recent project about culture and seed production in Chinese hatchery system , I had to ask a lot of question, meet a lot of fish farmers and ask the questions about investment and profit, but people were good to me and answered the questions. At last, I would like to say that I wish that I am selected because I really am interested in research line more than anything, I have realized that now and nothing would bring me greater joy than joining the post.
Jitu Das, Bajali College, P.G. Department of Zoology, Pathsala, Assam
Star Trek Beyond 2016 film review by Jitu Das film reviews
Yes I think you should watch the film, there are many parts that make you smile. I think you will get a good experience watching the film.
What is your value ? the "only way to become very rich" by Jitu Das Philosophy
1. Introduction
Everything has its value, and you should always know that. But value of everything is not same. Among Gold ,silver and iron, gold is most valuable, and it's obvious to everyone. To give you the idea of value, I have to give a exactly what you need, yeah a real example. So, it's not a lecture or anything. I am just exploring my thoughts for the benefits of both you and me. But it's more than just that. It has to really work, otherwise you will be wondering what is that I am trying to talk about.
2. Why most parents in India want their children to become a doctor?
When I was a kid, everyone wanted me to be a doctor and I wanted that too, until I started watching films and reading books filled with thousands of characters and I got confused about my career prospective. Then I changed my focus on finding myself, which again only just confused me even more. You might be wondering am I still confused, I will tell you about that ended of this article. Back then I didn't really knew why every elders were talking to me about becoming a doctor. I really had no idea other than it saves people lives and it's a very cool job. Do you have any idea why most parents in India want their children to become a doctor one day. Because once you get admitted, you will never to worry about money or getting a hand in marriage. I understand that now after passing M. Sc. Well, some parents also wish other jobs such as civil services, engineer, professor. But only a few parents ever wish for their children to become a singer, musician, scientists, inventor, writer, filmmaker, director, actor, choreographer ,designer, artist ,businessman etc. I didn't know before when I was a kid, why is that, but I used to hear something like that these are god gifted people and only those god gifted people can ever dream of becoming a successful artist, creative, scientist, inventor, musician or a singer and even a businessman. (Are you still with me? This is the important part. )
3. Value attracts money, not what your job is. .
Do you know why is that people, relatives want you to become a doctor, engineer, professor, IAS, IFS and all those jobs that gives you MONEY. 💰 is something that you can not live well without. Money is something you can never get enough, because there will be something to new you would desire and would feel like you couldn't live without. Money is something that gives you security, that will need if you are planning on a arranged marriage. This is the ultimate reason why your parents wants to have a job that pays well, gives you money security, you became well eligible for marriage, now you marry anyone. Have you not seen rich people with very young supermodel wife, even though these people are from the business, politics, rich artists, filmmaker, actors, singers, writers. Not much other job that gives you so called money security never actually makes you rich. But it really does not matter what job you do, unless you add value, you will not be rich. That's why your parents are likely to want you get the trending jobs not the work demands a great amount of value, mostly in business and creative lines. What makes you rich is always your value. Nothing else matters.
4. What is your value?
So, the title question is What is your value? Your value is what you create and how much it's meaningful or matters to the world. You can not be rich with Understanding this simple truth. If You are searching for easy money, that you can eat easily, then best way to earn easy money is creating and increasing your value everyday. If you want to increase your value, you have to be creative. Value is something you create with a day by day approach to a great level. If you think you just money, you have no time to create values. Then you will have a very time earning money. Value attracts money, it doesn't matter how much you work, if it doesn't a value ( a level of goodness that no one can deny, for example can you deny the value of gold ?) If you want security in life, which will require money, for instance, if you get sick, no amount prayers would work, I'd you don't buy medicine, take properly treatment in a good Medical Center. For that you will need money. It doesn't matter what job you do, if you can increase your value by adding new ideas, new methods, new viewpoints, how new style to the world, then know that you will never have to worry about not having enough money to fulfill your undying desires.
5. What is your value?
Your value is what you do for the world. If you are helping the people live a better, easy life, then you have value. Your value increases with your services. Buy how to know if you have value? Remember everything has value. But unless you are being creative, original and genuinely enthusiastic about what you are doing as a job or hobby or as an aspire , you can't create value.
6. How to know your value : Just ask yourself these 10 questions :
1. Am I having fun with my day to day life ?
2. Am I doing something I want to do?
3. Am I following my dreams?
4. Are my decisions slowly leading to my dreams?
5. Am I helping people to live in peace?
6. Am I inspiring others to live a better life?
7. Am I doing anything that I can be proud of?
8. Am I running after money or increasing my value one day at a time?
9. Will I be happy if I have money or when I will have a great value to the world?
10. Am I concentrating my mind on increasing value rather than getting a job just for money?
If yes, then you are creating your value and one day you will be proud of it and money will flow towards you.
No I am not confused anymore, I know what I want. I want to write, do some scientific research and have real fun with real people in the real world.
How to live fully and stop living on autopilot by Jitu Das philosophy
Next step of life is not following others, it is to start following your heart.
Sometimes the next step is not following where other's are doing, even they are doing right, even though it seems like everybody is just rolling, how do you stay true to your self ? How can you feel the pressure being different. Everybody looks at you , they ask you what's your plan ? And you say you don't have one, they say why don't you do this, do that, that would look good on you. They ask you do you have a girlfriend ? I say I don't have one , they say, you are a good looking guy, why don't you have a girlfriend . I don't know why I am this way. I guess I am nonconformist. I can't do something just because everybody is doing it. Do I feel bad being non-conformist, being different ? When I am being different, I feel alive, but when I live other's guide, I feel weak, dead and I simply go to autopilot. I realize it now that I feel bad only when I am trying to be what is expected of me. They don't own me. If I can't be what I want to be then I am not free. If I am nonconformist ,I have to be a nonconformist, for that I need to be free. What does freedom mean ? Freedom is allowing yourself do the things your heart wants to do. The mind is always a conformist, following what others are doing, but I don't care about following others. I don't care about anything other than what the hearts wants. Sometimes when you have a nightmare ,don't worry , nightmares are the dreams that your heart wants you to see. Nightmares are the only thing that can show you what is going on behind the curtain, ie. subconscious mind.
What does Nonconformists do ?
So what are you going to be ? The real question is whatever you are may be doing right now , is it your planning or are you living a life that is expected of you. It is not easy to break this invisible force that cripples you from being anything you want to. This force follows you everywhere because it is inside the mind. I used to think I am my brain. While it is true, but there is more to that. Conscious lies in the brain. That is why controversial Russian scientist valery spiridonov is trying to transplant head, which does sound crazy and yet if it becomes successful, the world will not remain the change. This is the nonconformist's way of seeing life. All the great works, art, scientific discoveries, invention, war were the result of the nonconformist.
Be happy now, don't wait for future
It is upon you , whether it is okay for you to do what others are doing or you want to do something else. You should do the work that makes you happy, brightens your mind. If you find your work boring, its time to do the work you love and be happy. If you think that you will be happy in the future. But future is uncertain. You and I are not the sun and moon. We are human, we don't have million years.
Do what you love, don't do work that makes you go on autopilot :
So you have two option :
Be happy doing the work you love and live life fully or
Live a life that is expected of you to please others. There will be always others no matter where you go on earth. I know that you want to live life doing the work you love. But what is the work that you love doing ? Are you already doing it as a hobby ? Ask yourself what is the work that you can do everyday for your whole life. For me, I know I want to write my whole life. The world, the others will ask a question in your whole life, what's your job ? How would you like to answer that question ?
I would like to say that I am a writer and if I can develop other hobbies to good level, I would add them. In my life I have learned that your hobbies are not supposed to be a daily activity just like brushing your teeth in morning. Because that would be too mechanical , auto piloting life sucks. Trust me. Whenever you find your life, your surrounding, then heart just stops reacting, and the mind goes on autopilot. You live your life like a robot and that is what most people in the world are doing right now especially the city people. Whenever I go to city for some work, I look at people walking by, so busy, most of them are on autopilot. Auto piloting is not bad thing, shutting down their heart, they survive in the busy life. I am not judging the city people, its a necessity to survive. It is easy on autopilot, no one can hurt your feeling, its like a shield over your heart.
Master your work :
But would you like to just live your life on autopilot or would you live fully. To be live fully, at sometime point of your life you have to stop for a while and look where you are going. At some point in your life you have to stop following what everyone else doing, not because they are doing anything wrong. Its because in life doing what everybody, your friends are doing is not necessarily the right thing to do. I know its scary when you are alone, but you can create your own path , you can create your own work and if you want to do that rather than doing what is expected. Because its when you live your life following others plan , you become miserable. But if you keep doing the work you love, you will become a master in that work one day.
Trust your instinct, you will get what you want in time :
Life is not just about work, you need love, family, most importantly you need your health. In any field of life you will always two option , what is that you want to do, or what is expected of you. Don't believe the dogmas and propagandas, just trust your heart,intuition ,instinct, and if you trust them they will somehow lead you to your own path, where the great things are waiting. Don't judge your life by what you don't have, because if you just around your house, you will find that everything you have right now, you did not have them before. It is just same for love, wealth and fame, whatever you want ,they will come to you on their own when you deserve them.
What will you become in life by Jitu Das Philosophy
You and I have no idea, what will we become in life, should we control or let go , or life can be designed like a room , place. Is life so hard, is love rare , should you wait for love or it is just a waste of life. With every hour that pass by, days turns to night, and then another new morning, but do you realize that its a new day, maybe you don't ,honestly neither do I. But sometime a good sense come to you, when you know what is right and what is wrong. Why life is hard, a question that everyone asks. I ask that too, but then you are reconnected with your soul, it may come from a very good music, film, book or from a poem, but mostly self realization of your situation is the true path to your soul. Soul is the source of all bless, happiness,peace and creativity.
Life is hard for most people in the world, whether you live in India, Pakistan, or the America, or London, China, Japan, Russia, Mongolia, Arab, Africa. Wherever you go there will be people who thinks that life is hard. People thinks that, and sometime I too think I am the only one who is feeling unloved, sad, depressed, confused or struggling in this life that we are all far from living.
Why life is hard ? Life is hard because we are not living it well. We are disconnected from our true within. We are doing things that bores us rather than doing things that elevates us. It is very important that we do the work that makes bigger than our body. There are different jobs in the world. Among them most famous jobs are doctors, engineers, teachers, Police, Lawyers, bankers and thousand more. It is important for one to choose a job in this early life. But one should never stop connecting with his true within whatever he or she may do with their life. At some point of your life, when you shall find yourself at crossroads,there will be somewhat frustration about what you should do with your life and you constantly seek the answer to those confusing questions like should we control or let go in life or life can be designed like a room , place ? Why life is hard? Is true love rare , should you wait for love or it is just a waste of life ?
The answer to those question is that no one can knows the future and more importantly what is the right decision or what you are supposed to with your life. If you are at a crossroad and you don't know what should you do. All I can tell you is that What you will become in life is not something you can know right at this moment right now because it is greatest suspense of life, but for now you must try to live a beautiful life with the people you love and you could do that if you connect yourself to your true within, tis your soul.
Penny dreadful season 1 by Jitu Das reviews
Tags: TV Reviews
June 05, 2016 at 11:28PM
Penny dreadful season 1 by Jitu Das Tv reviews
What is Five Kingdom Classification in Assamese -পঞ্চৰাজ্য বৰ্গীকৰণ পদ্ধতি কি ?
পাঁচ ৰাজ্যৰ শ্ৰেণীবিভাজন ব্যৱস্থাই জীৱক তেওঁলোকৰ বৈশিষ্ট্যৰ ওপৰত ভিত্তি কৰি পাঁচটা প্ৰধান ৰাজ্যত ভাগ কৰে: কিংডম মনেৰা: ইয়াত প্ৰ'কেৰিয়...
১. ভয়ক জয় কৰাটোৱেই হ'ল মানুহৰ প্ৰথম কৰ্তব্য । - কাৰ্লাইল ২.সৃষ্টিৰ আটাইতকৈ সুন্দৰ বস্তু হ'ল ফুল, কিন্তু তাৰ শিপাবোৰ থাকে মা...
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