Love goes beyond physicality quotes by Jitu Das philosophy quotes 2018

Should you let go of people you love by Jitu Das philosophy

Should you let go of people you love

It's a weird situation and a very painful one when you have to let go the people you love. Everyone is telling let them go , let them go. But how can you let them go when you love them. Who do we have left then ? What I think is that we should not let go of people when they are not perfect, because nobody is, we should not let go of people when they are not what I expected them to be, because nobody can live upto our expectations, even you yourself cannot fully satisfy your own expectations. And it's okay. The thing is you have to let go of your own expectations from people,not people. Our relationships are ruined these days so often because our expectations never meets it's reality. We are so busy trying to look good online and social media , of course it's going to disappoint people in real life. So don't let go of people very quickly especially the ones you like and love, just stop expecting much from them, that way you will have less anxiety and disappointment.
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