Biography of Syed Abdul Malik, (চৈয়দ আব্দুল মালিকৰ জীৱনী) great novel writer of Assam,India Jitu Das biography

চৈয়দ আব্দুল অসমৰ এজন মহান লেখক আছিল, তেও আছিল এজন মহান অসমীয়া সন্তান আৰু প্ৰকৃত অসমীয়া, তেও সাহিত্যৰ মাজেৰে  এখন আদৰ্শ অসমীয়া সমাজৰ কল্পনা কৰিছিল,তেওৰ সাহিত্যত ধৰ্মান্ধতাৰ কোনো স্থান নাই, জাতি-ধৰ্ম নিবিশেষে আমি শান্তিৰে ইজনে আনজনক সহায় কৰিব পাৰিলেহে জীয়াই থকাৰ প্ৰকৃত আন্ন্দ পোৱা যায় , এনেকুৱা কথাৰে চৈয়দ আব্দুল মালিকে সৰ্বমুঠ ৬২ খন উপন্যাস লিখিছিল, তাৰ লগতে ৭ খন  নাটক ,১৭ খন গল্প সংকলনকে আদি কৰি তেও কবিতা, হাস্যৰসৰ ৰচনা, ভ্ৰমণ কাহিনীও তেও লিখিছিল, তেওৰ আছিল এনে এক বিশাল ব্যক্তিত্ব, যাৰ হৃদয়ত আছিল এটা প্ৰান, মিশ্ৰিত আছিল তাত অসমীয়া মাটিৰ সুগন্ধি, আৰু আছিল মানৱ দৰদী এটা আত্মা ৷ 

চৈয়দ আব্দুল মালিকৰ জন্ম ১৯১৯ চনৰ ১৫ জানুৱাৰীত হয় ]৷ গোলাঘাট জিলাৰ নাহৰণিত জন্ম গ্ৰহণ কৰা অসমীয়া কথা সাহিত্যৰ প্ৰবাদ পুৰুষ মালিকে যোৰহাট হাইস্কুলৰ পৰা প্ৰৱেশিকা, যোৰহাট মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ পৰা আই এ আৰু কটন মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ পৰা ১৯৪১ ত সুখ্যাতিৰে বি.এ. পৰীক্ষাত উত্তীৰ্ণ হয়। কেইবা বছৰ চাকৰি কৰাৰ পাছত ১৯৫১ ত বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ৰ পৰা অসমীয়া বিভাগত এম.এ. পৰীক্ষা প্ৰাইভেটকৈ দি সুখ্যাতিৰে উত্তীৰ্ণ হয়।

১৯৪২ ত আবকাৰী বিভাগৰ চাব ইন্সপেক্টৰ হিচাপে কৰ্ম জীৱন আৰম্ভ কৰা মালিকে সৈন্য বিভাগতো কাম কৰিছিল। ১৯৪৬ ত যোৰহাট মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ পাৰ্ছী ভাষাৰ প্ৰবক্তা হিচাপে দুবছৰ কাম কৰি শ্বিলং-গুৱাহাটী অনাতাঁৰ কেন্দ্ৰৰ প্ৰ'গেম এচিষ্টেণ্ট হিচাপে যোগ দিয়ে। ডেৰ বছৰ এই কাম কৰাৰ পাছত ঢেকীয়াল হাইস্কুল আৰু কুৰালগুৰি হাইস্কুলত শিক্ষকতা কৰে। ১৯৫১ৰ পৰা ১৯৭৬ লৈ যোৰহাটৰ জে বি কলেজত অসমীয়া বিভাগৰ প্ৰবক্তা হিচাপে কাম কৰে। ১৯৬৩ৰ পৰা ১৯৬৯ লৈ সাহিত্য একাডেমী কাউন্সিলৰ সদস্য হিচাপে থকা মালিক ১৯৬৯ত অসম সাহিত্য সভাৰ প্ৰধান সম্পাদক নিৰ্বাচিত হয়। ১৯৭৬ত ৰাজ্যসভাৰ সাংসদ হিচাপে নিৰ্বাচিত মালিকে তাৰ পাছৰ বছৰত অভায়াপুৰী অধিবেশনত অসম সাহিত্য সভাৰ সভাপতি হিচাপে নিৰ্বাচিত হয়। জীৱনৰ কোনো এক নিৰ্দিষ্ট সীমাবদ্ধ সুত্ৰতে নথকা মালিকে ভাৰতীয় গণ নাট্য সংঘ আৰু কমিউনিষ্ট আন্দোলনৰ সৈতেও ডেকা বয়সত ওতঃপ্ৰোতভাৱে জড়িত আছিল।

তেওঁ ১৯৭৭ চনত অসম সাহিত্য সভাৰ সভাপতি হয় ৷ তেওঁ "অঘৰী আত্মাৰ কাহিনী" উপন্যাসৰ বাবে ১৯৭২ চনত সাহিত্য একাডেমী বঁটা  লাভ কৰাৰ উপৰিও ১৯৯২ চনত অসম উপত্যকা বঁটা, ১৯৯৫ চনত শংকৰদেৱ বঁটা আৰু পদ্মশ্ৰী, পদ্মভূষণ সন্মান লাভ কৰে ৷
চৈয়দ আব্দুল মালিকৰ ২০০০ চনৰ ১৯ ডিচেম্বৰত ৮৯ বছৰ বয়সত মৃত্যু হয়।

Sayad Abdul Malik was a great writer of Assam, He was a great son mother Assam,and a true Assamese. By his great literature, he dreamed of an ideal Assamese society, where everyone lived happily, with people of different religions. In his literature,there is only only unity between every cast and  religions.I find his work great,because he was inspiring the society to live together , and not just live, but thrive in harmony in the pleasure in togetherness. He wrote in his novels, the characters so amazing, so real.He was not writing in his novels about the society with people behaving indifferent to each other because of different casts or religion. But, in his story , he presented  the unique characters in our society, who are sympathetic to the people of other cats and religion, who can love people of different religions too.These characters are may be rare, but there are people who know only to love human,no matter what religions they are from.

       Syed Abdul was one the greatest writer in India.He was  a genius.He wrote 62 novels, 7 play, 17 books of short stories.He also wrote many poems, wrote humorous stories, and travel stories.What he did  is so extra-ordinary.

Syed Abdul was born on the 15 th January of 1919 in Naharani of Golaghat district of Assam.This great man studied his high school in Jorhat High school,He passed higher secondary from Jorhat College, and graduated B.A from Cotton College in 1941. And after some years of working in different jobs, such as sub-inspector, then in military. In 1946,he became proffessor in Jorhat College, teaching Persian language for two years and then joined as program assistent in Shillong-Guwahati radio center. From 1951 to 1976 he worked as a proffessor of Assamese language in J.B. college. In 1976, he was elected as a member of parliament of sate council court( Rajya Sabha). He was elected as a president of Assam literature council in the next year.

   Sayad Abdul Malik was a man of no limit, because he love human, he was also engaged in communist works, in his young age.
For  his great extraordinary work, he received many awards, including Padamshri, Padma-Bibhukan from Indian government.For his novel,' Aghari Atmar Kahini'( which means- the story of the gypsy soul), He recievd ''Sahitya Academy Bata'' (Literature academy award) in 1972, ''Assam uptyaka Bata( Assam valley award) in 1992, and Sankardev Bata( award) in 1995.
 Great writer,great man Sayad Abdul Malik died in the age 89 in 2000.( which year I was just 8 years old)

Biography of Chilarai ( চিলাৰায়),a great warrior of Assam by Jitu Das Biographies

Chilari was a great warrior, commander of Assam, when his brother Narnarayan ruled Assam. Great warrior, Chilarai was born in 1510 A.D. His father Vishwasingha established Kamatapur in 16 th century. His mother was Padmabati. Chilarai was a great warrior, a scholar and social worker. The real name of Chilarai was "Sukladhaj"( which means white flag). But, for his great speed in the war, he was famous by the name of "Chilarai"(which means- like the kite bird, in greek mythologies kite bird is known as who resurrect death). Before his braveness,skill, many kingdom such as Buthan, Ahom was defeated.

Besides war, Chilarai dedicated his time in reforming the Kamatapur Kingdom. Chilarai build the, Kamakhya, after being built and also destryoed Narakasur, ( a king who loved Kamakhya, but kamakhya rejected his love, so broke the temple,he made for his love) famous temple of India, Chilari also build the "Hajo Hayagrib Madhab" temple. In his guidance, many roads, pools are made too.

To find a person, with such extraordinary characters is very rare. He was a great admirer of scholars, religious preacher. Chilarai helped the great saint of India, Srimanta Sankardeva, who was a great preacher of "Vaishnavism"( who believe in one god, krishna), a sub-religion of mighty hindu religion. Chilarai became a follower of Sankardeva, even though was a Sakta( who believe in many god). 
After a greatly influencing 67 years, Chilarai died in 1577 A.D.

 চিলাৰায় বা বীৰ চিলাৰায়ৰ (জন্ম:১৫১০ - মৃত্যু:১৫৭৭) প্ৰকৃত নাম আছিল শুক্লধ্বজ। তেওঁৰ পিতৃ ষষ্ঠদশ শতিকাৰ কমতা ৰাজ্যৰ প্ৰতিষ্ঠাপক বিশ্বসিংহ, মাতৃ পদ্মাৱতী আৰু ভ্ৰাতৃ ৰজা নৰনাৰায়ণ। তেওঁ নৰনাৰায়ণৰ সুদক্ষ সেনাপতি আছিল। তেওঁ চিলাৰ দৰে চোঁ মাৰি ৰণ কৰিছিল, সেয়ে তেওঁক চিলাৰায় বুলিও জনা যায়। চিলাৰায়ে দেৱান বা মন্ত্ৰীৰ কামো কৰিছিল, সেই কাৰণে তেওঁক লোকে চিলাৰায় দেৱান বুলিছিল, তেওঁৰ বীৰত্ব আৰু পাৰদৰ্শিতাৰ ফলতে কোঁচ সৈন্যই ভূটীয়া, কছাৰী আৰু আহোম সৈন্যক বহুকেইখন যুদ্ধত পৰাস্ত কৰিছিল।

দেশ শাসনৰ সকলো কাৰ্য্যত খৰ দৃষ্টি পৰিছিল আৰু ৰাজ্যৰ শাসন বান্ধ সুদৃঢ় কৰিবলৈ আলি, পুখুৰী, দেৱালয়, ৰাজ্যৰ প্ৰধান প্ৰধান লোকক বৃত্তি আদি দানৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰাইছিল। নৰ নাৰায়ণৰ আদেশ মতে, চিলাৰায়ে কামাখ্যা মন্দিৰ আৰু হাজোৰ হয়গ্ৰীৱ মন্দিৰৰ সংস্কাৰ কৰিছিল।
চিলাৰায় এজন পণ্ডিত আছিল; তেওঁ পণ্ডিতক অশেষ আদৰ কৰিছিল। কোনো দূৰ দেশৰ পৰা পণ্ডিত আহিলে, চিলাৰায়ৰ সহায়তেই ৰজাৰ পৰা বৃত্তি বিধান লাভ কৰি জ্ঞানচৰ্চ্চা কৰিছিল। চিলাৰায়ৰ সহায়তেই শংকৰদেৱে কামৰূপৰ পশ্চিম খণ্ডত বৈষ্ণৱ ধৰ্ম প্ৰচাৰ কৰা হৈছিল। শংকৰদেৱ, ৰাম সৰস্বতী, অনিৰুদ্ধ, শ্ৰীধৰ, বকুল কায়স্থ, অনন্ত কন্দলী আদি পণ্ডিতসকলে নৰ নাৰায়ণৰ সভা উজ্বলাই ৰাখিছিল। ইয়াত চিলাৰায়ৰ বিশেষস্বৰূপ সহায় আছিল।

How to enjoy your life by Jitu Das

The only thing that matters is your life,the fact that you are now,is all that matters. But once you know that,you start to neglect the fact that you are alive,and its amazing to be alive,just to be alive. The days and nights,the spirit lifting sunrises and the sunsets. We live in a spectacular world,we are lucky to get a chance to live, love,work and play. Your life gets amazing when you have at-least two special things in your life,one is a work and the other is life partner that loves you truly. You need find the work that excites your neurons to release serotonin in your blood,which makes you feel high,as high as dopamine makes you when you drink alcohol,smoke cigarretes or take the illegal drugs. So,better choose the work .not the drugs.The pleasure you get from the work of your dream, lasts all your life. If you have not find the work that will change your life,keep searching for it until you get it. When I started writing my life has changed in a way I have never expected. Do not listen to other’s telling what line of work you should do in your life,listen to your heart that whisper within your heart,there is a fire within wants to rise and shine your life. You are much more than you think you are. No matter what bad happened to you in your past,you need to rise up,leaving all the grudge you hold for the people whohurted you. You need to reborn putting behind all the bad memories like an nightmare.No matter how many people have criticized you and made fun of you, they did it because they were having inferior complex within and wanted to prove that they were superior,by criticizing and judging others and they did not have any clue why they did that,so forgive and leave those people and and go on the the path to your dream.It does not matter how many people left you without saying goodbye,they left you because to open up rooms for many others who respects who you are and admire you.
Life is full of people and events. Without people you can not live and do not keep enemies in your life,they are extra, why you would want to make enemies. Make friends,which is awesome. Respect the people,everyone needs respect. Control the ego and anger,because they make you only a sad person.
That is all. So how to enjoy life -
1. Only thing that matters is that you are now alive,once you die,you are gone forever,no conscious,no senses,no memory. In short,no existence.
So,enjoy life,love nature. Prevent the animals go extinction.
2. Enjoy daily in life. The only time to enjoy life is right now. Do not think of enjoying life,once you get a job,after getting married or getting retired. The only way to enjoy life,is by using your talent,not drinking alcohol or smoking or taking drugs.
3. You need two things in life, a work and a lover. You need to find the girl,that respects you just the way you are. You need to find the person,who dreams the same dream you dream. The person who have the ake personality you have and who have the same hobby you have,so you can spend your liesure time together. Is not amazing ? Yes It is.
4. If you want to make your life big then serve the humankind and nature. The only best way to serve is doing what you can do your best.

Why people drink alcohol by Jitu Das

There is always a hope like the ray of light from the end of the tunnel. If I could ever know what is there that stop us to walk the road,for peace and enlightenment,If I could ever know why my friends started to smoke cigarettes at the age of nineteen, what is the cause, was smoking cigarettes  is a prove that you are adult now. If I could ever know what genes make them do it, I was still searching something, I never understood really,watching people drinking alcohol, injecting drugs,what was the purpose of this acid culture, a mere escapement from the harshness of ever changing life, news of corruption of bureaucratic people, or people fighting people for just money,power and fame. The drugs make you feel numb, neurons in your brain go double,you start to imagine, you have a hallucination,you feel like you are flying now,you can feel your head is spinning, but you can not control it. Then you fall down flat and wake up next day with a hangover and eyes would like you got conjunctivitis and what ?
This is not life. The acid culture sucks and I would be very much happy when all the people stop buying alcohol, I wonder if government was for the people, they would have banned all the wine-shops. We don’t need alcohol to enjoy life. Alcohol may give you some friends,but its just a waste of time.
I feel sad when my brothers talk about enjoying party with alcohol,they have become slaves of alcohol, they can not see their faults,they can not see value in things,only see the cost Enjoyment by alcohol is a fallacy,a false distraction,listen to music,watch films,read books,enjoy the beauty of nature,get a hobby that defines who you are, they are real distraction and the pleasure from these works last for days and sometime they last whole life. There are much more beautiful thing than alcohol, how could people drink alcohol or do drugs, little kids doing drugs seeking thrill, you want to get thrilled get into music,buy an electric guitar.
We live in a big world,with 700 crore people living. Now a days we are connected to people around the world, but many children have no time to talk with their parents. Now a days every body has boyfriends and girlfriends, busy on the phone all the time. We are living in a great fuss of technology and everyone is now addicted to it. I did not have any mobile phone 3 years ago, and now I can not live without it.

Biography of Lachit Barphukan, (লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ জীৱনী)great man of Assam by Jitu Das biography

Lachit Borphukan (Assamese: লাচিত বৰফুকন ) was a commander and Borphukan in the Ahom kingdom known for his leadership in the 1671 Battle of Saraighat that thwarted a drawn-out attempt by Mughal forces under the command of Ramsingh

The above quote means- The maternal uncle can not bigger than the country.
Lachit Barphukan said that in the consequence, when his maternal uncle was appointed to make a dam of soil in one night, to protect Guwahati from Mughal in 1669.But his uncle was lazy and was unaware of the gravity of the situation that Mughal armies is about to attack Guwahati in the morning, so being lazy and irresponsible, he was sleeping instead of tearing sweats in making the dam, when Lachit Barphukan, the commander of Ahom, came to see the progress of the dam, he found his uncle was sleeping and other workers were also sleeping.Then , Lachit did something that I do not know if anywhere something like that is done.Lachit was very patriotic, he loved Assam passionately and to protect Assam, he slayed his uncle, and said that a maternal uncle can not be bigger than my country.So, when the workers saw this, they feared Lachit and realized their irresponsibility, so they started working with patriotic passion to protect Assam, and

built a bigger dam in just one one night.And next day Lachit Barpukan and his armies fought with Mughal armies and won over Mughal armies. Lachit Barphukan is a great man of Assam ,India.His passion and true love for Assam is a ideal to every Assamese who love Assam,Assamese language and Assamese culture. Lachit Barphukan teach us to love our country, our mother land. Lachit Barphukan is a great man of courage. He inspires us to fight for our Assam,for our languge and culture. There is not much people borned in the world so courageous and patriotic. So be proud to be Assamese just like Lachit did. Let the blood of Lachit Barphukan flow in our veins. Lets shine as assamese in the world with our great culture.

লাচিত বৰফুকন (ইংৰাজী: Lachit Borphukan) আছিল অসমৰ আহোম সাম্ৰাজ্য এজন সেনাপতি। ১৬৬৯ চনত তেখেতে অসমীয়া সেনাৰ দ্বাৰা বিশাল মোগল সৈন্য-বাহিনী পৰাজিত কৰি অসমৰপৰা আঁতৰাই পঠিয়াইছিল। শৰাইঘাটৰ যুদ্ধত লাচিতে দেখুওৱা বিক্ৰমৰ ফল স্বৰূপে অসমৰ বুৰঞ্জীত তেখেতৰ নাম জিলিকি আছে।
"দেশতকৈ মোমাই ডাঙৰ নহয়"
প্ৰবাদ আছে যে মোগলৰ বিৰুদ্ধে যুদ্ধৰ প্ৰ্স্তুতি হোৱাৰ সময়ত তেওঁ মোগলক ভেটা দিবৰ বাবে একে ৰাতিৰ ভিতৰতে গড় (ওখ মাটিৰ দেৱাল) বান্ধিবলৈ সৈন্যসকলক আদেশ দিছিল আৰু সেই কামটো তত্বাবধানৰ দায়িত্ব তেওঁৰ মোমায়েকৰ হাতত অৰ্পন কৰিছিল। শেহ ৰাতি তেওঁ চাবলৈ আহি দেখে যে কামবোৰ আগবঢ়া নাই। মোমায়েকক তাৰ উত্তৰ বিচৰাত সৈন্যসকল ভাগৰুৱা হৈ পৰিছে বুলি অজুহাত দেখুৱালে। নিজৰ কৰ্তব্য পিছ কৰা দেখি লাচিতে খঙত একো নাই হৈ ঠিতাতে হেংদাঙেৰে “দেশতকৈ মোমাই ডাঙৰ নহয়” বুলি মোমায়েকৰ শিৰশ্চেদ কৰিলে। তাৰ পিছত ৰাতিৰ ভিতৰতে গড়ৰ কাম সম্পূৰ্ণ হৈছিল। লাচিতৰ দেশপ্ৰেম, কৰ্তব্যনিষ্ঠাৰ এইটো এটা বিৰল উদাহৰণ।
সাহসৰ অন্তিম নিদৰ্শন
শৰাইঘাট যুদ্ধৰ শেষৰ ফালে মোগলৰ বিৰাট সৈন্য বাহিনী আগত আহোমৰ সৈন্যই জয়ৰ আশা বাদ দি পিছহুঁহুকিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল। সেইসময়ত লাচিতৰ অতিপাত জ্বৰ উঠি আছিল । সেই নৰিয়া গাৰে এখন নৌকাত উঠি মোগলৰ বিৰুদ্ধে যুঁজ দিবলৈ আগবাঢ়ি আহিছিল আৰু সৈন্যসকলক উদ্দেশি কৈছিল-“ যদি তোমালোক উভতি যাব খুজিছা, যোৱা, কিন্তু স্বৰ্গদেৱে মোক এই দায়িত্ব দিছে, গতিকে ম‍ই শেষ মুহুৰ্তলৈ যুঁজ দিম। মোগলে মোক লৈ যাবলৈ দিয়া। তোমালোকে মাত্ৰ স্বৰ্গদেৱক ম‍ই তেওঁৰ আজ্ঞা পালন কৰি শেষ মুহুৰ্তলৈ যুঁজ দিছো বুলি কবা।” এইকথাখিনিয়ে সৈন্যসকলক উৎসাহ দিলে আৰু দুগুণ সাহসেৰে যুঁজি মোগলক পৰাস্ত কৰিলে।

প্ৰতিবছৰে ২৪ নৱেম্বৰৰ দিনটো গোটেই অসমতে লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ বীৰত্ব আৰু শৰাইঘাটৰ যুদ্ধত অসমীয়া সেনাৰ বিজয়ৰ স্মৃতিত লাচিত দিৱস হিচাপে পালন কৰা হয়

Padmanath Gohain Barua,( পদ্মনাথ গোহাঞি বৰুৱা) Assam Sahitya Sabha first president by Jitu Das

মিলন-মহত্ত্ব - পদ্মনাথ গোহাঞি বৰুৱা
পদ্মনাথ গোহাঞি বৰুৱা ৷৷ ১৮৭১-১৯৪৬

স্বৰ্গ-মৰ্ত্ত্য-মিলনৰ সাক্ষ্য দিয়ে
আকাশে সাগৰে
পাতালকো কৰে এক চামে চামে
মিলন-আকৰে ৷
সুমেৰু কুমেৰু মিলে,-মেৰু-দণ্ড
মূৰ পুতি জোঁটা
ৰিষুৱ-বান্ধনি মেৰ,ভূমণ্ডল
আঁকোৱালি অটা ৷
উদয়-অচল-স’তে অস্তাচল
ধ্ৰুৱ সন্মিলন;
পীতাম্বৰ পূজাৰিয়ে পুৱা সন্ধ্যা
কৰে আৱাহন ৷
পদ্ম-ৰাগ সূৰুজৰ দিনমান
চন্দ্ৰ-প্ৰভা কুমুদত মিলনৰ
হিয়া-সৰোবৰ ৷
প্ৰতিভাত প্ৰকৃতিত পুৰুষৰ
মিলন মহিমা;
সৃষ্টিৰ স্বীকাৰ্য্য বিয়পিছে,
নাই তাৰ সীমা ৷
সখি-মিলনৰ ফল কৃষ্ণাৰ্জ্জুন,
মানৱাত্মা-মুক্তি হেতু জগতত
শ্ৰেষ্ঠ ধৰ্ম্ম-ভেটি ৷
সৃষ্টি স্থিতি প্ৰলয়ৰ সম্বন্ধ-নিৰ্ব্বন্ধ
গূঢ় তত্ত্ব;
একৰ কাৰণে তিনি,বিশ্বপ্ৰাণ
মিলন-মহত্ত্ব ৷

"Milan Mahatmya", poem by Padmanath Gohai Baru, first president of Assam literature association.
I have translated this poem for my friends who do not understand assamese language.
Its not the perfect translation, I know, forgive me I am just a small boy. I made the translation from what I felt.

Greatness of unity

The sky and the sea
witness the union of
heaven and earth
Even the hell is connected
north and south pole,
equator wraps our planet
Ruby like sun emits
unifying light
and in the moon light waterlity unites the lake of heart
In the rising sun, the
nature unites glory/
my appreciation is widing to the infinity/
Union of intimate friends,
retributing Krishna- Arjun and births Geeta;
Human soul is free in the
world where virtue-justice exists.
The creation, balance and calamity are mysteries
known to creator alone.
For one,three being, one soul of universe,that is
the greatness of unity.

This is not a proper translation, because my feelings are also there,but this version has the same meaning. That is what the greatness of unity,we all feel same.

Anandachandra Agarwala (আনন্দ চন্দ্ৰ আগৰৱালা), assamese poem translation Jitu Das poems in English

সুখ – আনন্দ চন্দ্ৰ আগৰৱালা                       
 আনন্দ চন্দ্ৰ আগৰৱালা ১৮৭৪-১৯৩৯        

সুখ সুখ বুলি মানুহ বলিয়া
নেদেখে সুখৰ মুখ ;
সুখ বিচাৰোঁতে পায় সংসাৰত
দুখৰ উপৰি দুখ ৷
দেখিও নেদেখা কিয় দিন-কণা
সুখযে হাততে আছে ;
যিটে’ দিব পাৰে স্বাৰ্থ-বলিদান,
সুখ ফুৰে পাছে পাছে ৷
অকল নিজৰ নিমিত্তে নহয়
আমাৰ জীৱন ভাই,
পৰৰ কাৰণে খাটিব পাৰিলে
সংসাৰ সুখৰ ঠাই ৷
পৰৰ অভাৱ, পৰৰ দুখত
হিয়া যদি পমি যায়,
পৰক আপোন কৰিব পাৰিলে
সংসাৰত দুখ নাই ৷
শক্তি-সামৰথ পৰৰ সুখত
বিলাব পাৰিলে ভাই,
পৰৰ কাৰণে কান্দিব জানিলে
কান্দোনতো সুখ পায় ৷
সকলো আপোন যত নৰ-নাৰী ;
কাকনো বুলিম পৰ ?
পৰমপিতাৰ সকলো সন্তান
পৃথিৱী আমাৰ ঘৰ ৷
গাই-গোটা-পেটে- ভঁৰাল নহ’বাঁ ৷
লোকৰ দুখলৈ চোৱাঁ,
মানুহৰ সেৱা, মানুহৰ পূজা,
পৱিত্ৰ বৰত লোৱাঁ ৷
‘মই’ ‘মোৰ’ ভাবে তললৈ নমাব
নাপাব ৰক্ষাৰ তৰী ৷
সুখৰ দুখৰ মনেই কাৰণ
মনক কৰিবাঁ থিত ;
ত্যাগত লভিবাঁ পৰম সন্তোষ
সাধিবাঁ লোকৰ হিত ৷
স্বাৰ্থৰ বাটত দুখৰ কাঁইট,
খোজে পতি বিন্ধে হুলে,
নিস্বাৰ্থৰ বাট, সেন্দুৰীয়া আলি,
সুগন্ধি কুসুম ফুলে ৷
যথাৰ্থ নিঃস্বাৰ্থ ধৰমী জীৱন,
বিস্ব-প্ৰেমে ভৰ-পূৰ,
বিশ্বৰ সকলো ভাই-ভনী তাৰ,
সুখৰ নপৰে ওৰ ৷

 Ananda Chandra Agarwala's Poem- Happiness translation by Jitu Das.

people are running after happiness
yet there is no sign of peace
In search of happiness they find in life misery and pain
Oh so blind you are in daylight
in your hand there lies joy and delight
Who can be selfless and relinquish for other
happiness lives in their heart
our life is not only for us brother
Life is beautiful if you can work for others
If your heart melts seeing other people in misery,
People in necessity
If you can make the other people your own
There will be no sadness to mourn
If you can use your power
to help the people in grief
My brother, if you can cry for other's misery
there is peace even in crying
Every man and woman is my own
Whom shall I treat as other people
Each human being is a children of god
and Earth is our home
Do not gather for yours only look at the grief of other people too
To serve and to love the people in need
Take this devine vow indeed
Ego will only take you to a cave of darkness
There is no peace, ego creates anxiety that runs through viens
Happiness and sadness both borns in your mind
so fix your mind
Relinquish and you will find great satisfaction in your heart
from the good deeds done by you
In the selifish road,there lies throns
in every step throns hurt you
Oh the road of unconditional love
where the lotus bloom smells so good
Unselfish life is so good my life with Universal love in heart
Everone in the universe is my brother and sister
Happiness never seems to end.

Great Assamese poet Raghunath Choudhary's poems translation to English Jitu Das poems

গোলাপ – ৰঘুনাথ চৌধাৰী
ৰঘুনাথ চৌধাৰী ৷৷ ১৮৭৯-১৯৬৮                                 
Rose is the traslation of the Assamese poem '' Golap" by the poets of birds Raghnath Choudhary by Jitu Das
        গোলাপ                                         Rose
কাৰ পৰশত ফুলিলি বান্ধৈ                 By the touch of whom thy bloom
অ’ মোৰ সাদৰী ফুলাম পাহি ?           oh my dearest flowery petal ?
শ্যামলী পাতৰ ওৰণি গুচাই               ceasing the dark green veil
কাৰ ফালে চাই মাৰিলি হাঁহি ?           to whom you smile ?
কোন নন্দনত লগালি চমক,              in which mountain you glitter,
নাচিছে যত পৰী বুলবুল,                  dancing the bulbul angles,
অভিশপ্ত হৈ বিলাস-কুঞ্জত                 being cursed in the garden of pleasure
প্ৰেম-মদিৰাত যেন মচগুল ?             as if engrossed in the spiritual liquor of love ?

হাছ্নাহানাৰ তীব্ৰ গন্ধত                  In the intense smell of Jasmine
সপোন-বিভোৰ মাধৱী নিশা,             dream of fascination in the sweet night,
তোৰ পৰশত বিৰহী জেনাৰ              By your touch, has it flee dear 
পলালনে প্ৰিয়ে প্ৰাণৰ তৃষা ?              the craving for life of the separated one ?

আৰব-পিয়াৰী বছৰা ৰাণীৰ              Arab dear baser Queen's
গুল্-বদন্ পেলালি জুৰ ;                    you cooled the tender rose petal ;
ভাহি ফুৰে তোৰ ৰূপ-তৰঙ্গত            drifting around in the wave of your beauty
পাপিয়াৰ স্নিগ্ধ কৰুণ সুৰ ?                smooth sad melody of brain fever bird ?

ফুলিলি যিদিনা মৰু-উদ্যানত             the day you bloomed on the desert-garden
উৰিল সৌৰভ জগত জুৰি ;               flying sweet scent all around the world ;
গগন-চুম্বী কলোছছে তোৰ                sky kissing colossus 
পান কৰিলে ৰূপ-মাধুৰী !                  drunken your beauty so sweet !

আছিলিনে প্ৰিয়ে বেবিলনৰ                In Babylon were  you my dear
গুল-বাগানত ফুলৰ ৰাণী ?               the queen of the flower ?
স্বৰ্গৰ নন্দন সাজিলি শূন্যত,              In space, you created the garden of heaven,
কবিৰ মুখত অমৰ বাণী ৷                and the poet is saying immortal words.

ৰূপ ৰস গন্ধ পৰশ প্ৰেমত                  By the touch of beauty, juice, odour 
জিনিলি পিয়াৰা হিন্দুস্থান ;               you won the dearest Hindustan ;
বাদছা হেৰেম কৰি গুলজাৰ              By putting the badsah in harem you
দিল-দৰিয়াত তুলিলি বান ৷              made a flood of joy in heart.

তোৰ ই ৰূপ জগত বিভোল                In your beauty, world is fascinated
ঢালিলি প্ৰেমৰ বিমল ধাৰা ;               You poured pure love ;
দিল্লী-বেগম নুৰজাহানৰ                    For begam of Delhi, Nurjahan 
আছিলিনে তয়ে দিলবাহাৰা ?             were the heartthrob ?

কোন সুন্দৰীৰ নিমজ গালত              In the smooth cheek whom, 
ফুটাই তুলিলি চিকণ কাজ ?              you put artistic beauty ?
উঠিল প্ৰেমিক ছাহজাহানৰ               Risen the Tajmahal of Sahjahan  
ভুৱনবিজয়ী মৰ্ম্মৰ তাজ !                mesmerizing the world !
কত কাব্য-গাথা, অতীতৰ স্মৃতি,       So many poems tied, and are past memories
উদাস প্ৰেমৰ মূৰ্ত্ত বিকাশ ;                 tangible manifestation of celibate love ; 
বিজড়িত তোৰ কোমল বুকুত            in your touching soft breasts 
কত বিৰহীৰ হা-হুতাশ !                   how many lonely cries !

ফুলিবিনে মোৰ মানস-কুঞ্জত             Will you bloom in my wishful world
অ’ মোৰ দৰদী ফুলাম পাহি ?            Oh my kind flowery petal ?
উঠিবনে বাজি প্ৰিয়া পাপিয়াৰ            would it rise, the unifying flute of my dear cuckoo
পুলক-ভৰা মিলন-বাঁহী ?                  and fill my heart with ectasy ?

Why become a good person by Jitu Das

 Sometime in life, it feels like I don’t know what I am doing anymore. Why should I keep moving forward since there is no one who love me ? Why should you do good for others while nobody cares, why nobody loves me ? I am so alone. These are the feelings and thoughts comes to our mind when we fear the failure. The fear of being poor, the fear of being sick, the fear of being alone,the fear being left alone someone. All these fear makes us feel weak, these fear downs our head, increase depression. What can we do ? We have fears to be neglected even we do good work for other people. There are so many kind of people in the world. Some people are so blind that they only see themselves, no one can make them see the pain of other people. They would do anything to get what they want. Even if you do help such people its very rare that they would appreciate your help. So ,better not help these people or what ? The problem here is that if you think that you should not help these people because they are selfish and do not a thank you. But, if you think like that you will be selfish too who seeks thank you. But there is joy in helping those who is in need,if you help others for thank you,you can not enjoy your help. Who should you help ? You should help the people in need, you can never know whether they will appreciate it in their heart or not , since you want to enjoy helping others,you do not need to worry about the true appreciation, some people have no system of appreciation for other’s work except theirs. Helping those who needs is good work because it give us good feeling,when you help someone , all your worries about being alone,being unloved flies away, now you have helped someone to live happily. I believe that we should be good,because good works makes us feel good,good works like helping others people in grief,wipes out your grief too. Whenever you feel bad,help someone feel good. Life is simple and beautiful if you are good with your family and neighbor. Life is good,if you are good. Being good is very important. But that does not mean you should be always busy for others. Being good that does not mean you have to work for others even if you can not or do not want to. Being good does not mean you have to share all your property for others. We have the general idea that being rich is bad or rich people are bad,unhappy, people think that writing is a loner’s job, all actor and actresses are bad in character !, but are they what the general idea is ? I don’t think that writing is a loner’s job. Instead writers are the people who thinks about the whole world from the germination of a seed to the supernova. Being rich is not bad, but using of money should be for good reason. We are here on earth living because of love. Love is also good thing. So, all the good things in the world are what makes our life beautiful. The kindness,love and care of our parents are what made us possible to stand on our feet. The great writer Tolstoy said that god lives in the kindness to mankind,where there is selfless love and kindness,there is god.God is beauty, god is nature, god is love and kindness,happiness, peace.Who have love and kindness for the everyone earth, in his heart there lives joy an d peace. Why should we be good ? Thats a great question to ask. To clear the doubts why should we be good. If you are seeking for reason to be good, its not awful at all. I have searched that question too.

  • The only reason you should be good is because it feels amazing to be good.What does being good means ? Being good means being good in behavior, being good with family and neighbor,being good in society, being good with everyone in the world. We all are human,being human being as a species comes before than any religion or country.We are one species Homo sapiens,We all are same, our physical appearance may be slightly different from place to place.In Africa, people are black, because of a pigment called melanin, which protects skin from the sun-rays which falls on Africa at a 90 degree angle.In my country it falls at 45 degree angle,and in the European countries sun-rays fall at lower angle.So,their the people are white because of the lower amount melanin in their skin.So, black or white,you should love and respect everyone on earth.To judge people from their color, religion is a sign of retardation, cripple mind.To have an open mind, who has peace in their heart, you have to be good to people from every religion and country.After all we all live in the same planet.
  •  Being kind is being good. With each act of kindness, you make a good difference in people’s life.With kindness in your heart you can change others life.
  •  Taking care of other is being good. We need to care,because if we do care, it feels good,but the care must not be selfish. The care for no reason is the kind of care we should give. It can make others happy. So,when you can make others smile with your care ,how good you would feel. So,if it feels good, and others feels good to,so why not care for others which is good.
  • Loving is a good thing,because it gives good feelings to the people who love and people who get loved. Love is the best thing in the world. Love is good when it is unconditional. Love is what keeps us alive. Without the true love, relationship can never be strong. Without the love between father and mother, a family can not become happy.
  •   Do you remember the story of Dr. Jackyl and mr. Hyde. Where good dr. Jackyl does a experiment on himself,and he becomes bad permanently. We all two side within us. A bad and a good part. Choice is always yours what to be good or bad.
  •  All the religions, all the philosophies says us to be good. Be good at heart,be open-minded. All the great poem tells us to love nature, I told you before that loving is also doing good. What does it mean to be good ? Being good means having love,kindness and care for other.
  •  If your behavior is good to other, they will also behave nicely. It feels great when others behaves nicely with you.
  • Being good means no war unless its for protection, a good country stay cool with other countries, do not invade in other country. Be good, but when someone tries to kill you or hurt you,you have to protect yourself. You can not let others hurt you.

How great man became great by Jitu Das

Why does not it works, the planning you do for life , the future plan. We all dreamt something else in our childhood. When I was a kid I wanted to be a doctor, and all my noble wishes of serving mankind. But, what am I doing now ? Where am I ? Why am I here ? The question also goes same to you ! What are you doing in these time of your life,whatever it may young,adult or old. Well I am in my young adult stage, and I will be 22 years old in july 16th. But,what is the purpose of planning life ? Since nothing seems to happen as we wish in our life,why bother worrying about future. You and I could never know the future. We keep planning our future,we keep worrying about what we would do 5 years later, who knows what will happen tomorrow to us. I am not saying that we do not need to plan our life,but think about it what a gamble it is to plan something about your uncertain future. What we plan in our life ? We all want happiness in our life,that is why the fuss of getting a job exist, the job is the source of money.Many people do any job to get money,it does not matter whether it matches their personality. You may think that all the great works were done by 99 % hard work and 1 % inspiration, which was said by Thomas Alva Edison,the scientist who invented light bulb,gramophone,movie camera and one thousand other machines that we still use proudly. But, in an other  not famous  quote Edison said that he enjoyed all his life by his work and he said something very important that you might want to remember, he said that he has never done any work in his, all those great inventions that shaped the modern world,as he was playing all his mighty life,he never got bored,never got anxious,but he was not working all day,even though he did not come home for many days,he had a sofa to sleep in his lab. So, what did Edison do in his early life ? Did he plan this great life that influenced the whole world. I think  Edison  followed his heart,his instinct and impulse. He was not shy to ask questions to teacher, even the craziest one,for which he was  eliminated  from school, he was taught by his great mother,who knew the greatness of her son,and inspired to be one. What the great peoples did in their life that made great ?they did great works that has been touching the life of billions and will be touching. I think,they did not do great works with hard labour,even it does look like hard work for us,but all the great scientists,artists,musician,singer, and all the professionals of the world,enjoyed their work like a playing toddler with his new toy. To do great work,you have to find yourself,who you are ,where your interests lies. What you wanna just do ,even if you do not get paid for that.The work, you do for no reason is the work you are born to do. You need to leave anger,ego and shyness and start living in now following the impulse. No one have a  guaranteed  life or a certain life. We can do anything if we start doing what we want to right now. My world is in this matter how many minutes,hour and days passes, I will be always living in this moment. What I want to say is that I will be always feeling like living and that moment will be my moment. If you do not do what you want to do as an instinct, you are wasting your life. I could not have written all this if I did not followed my instinct. All that great work that was ever done,are being done and will be done by the people who did what their heart tell them to do in this moment. The past exist only in memory,the future exists only in imagination and only present,this moment is real. The question for you is ARE YOU DOING WHAT YOUR HEART IS TELLING YOU TO DO IN THIS MOMENT ?? What is stopping you ?

Assamese love, life & Happiness ( অসমীয়া প্ৰেম ,জীৱন আৰু সুখ বাণী )quotes by Jitu Das

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