1000 Quotes about Life, Universe and everything by Jitu Das quotes Part 6

501. It is true that you have so much things to do in life, today , in this hour.  You are in a rush to do so many things in this second. But that is not realistic strategy to do many things.  To do things properly, one thing you need most is your concentration and concentrating is not easy job to u.  But still there are some works,  where you can concentrate without any effort, you just drown in that work. In these works you find concentration a easy job.  But in other works, your mind just keeps wondering and you can never really concentrate on that work without a great amount of effort. The thing is that,  in life ,yes you do  have many works to do and most of them are not the works that gets attention naturally.  But still,  you have to do them anyway.  So,  it's better to these works one at a time.  Do not worry about how much time you have,  you still can do one work at a time. Doing one work at a y has a great benefit in it. If you do one work at a time,  for example,  you are studying a chapter,  then you must concentrate on that chapter, not on the other chapter that you have to study too.  One page at a time,  that is the right way to study  a book,  not wondering, worrying about other chapters while reading this chapter is actually not very productive. It's a waste of time. So, when you read that chapter only without worrying other chapters,  that is how you would be able fully concentrated on that one chapter  and you will understand the chapter in relaxed state.  It totally works,  there is no doubt about it.

502. It doesn't matter what the world is giving you from the unnecessary drama, blame,  jokes,  critics,  nagging thoughts, distractions,  bad vibes, negative thoughts, words, sound pollution, emotional blackmail. These are what the world gives you mostly and you take them,  you buy and take them to your home ( body, mind and soul ) and then you have no peace. With all those negative stuff , no wonder you are on the edge.  You are feeling bad,  feeling empty.  This empty,  hollow feeling comes when you have no joy, peace or happiness.  When you have no joy,  you are not productive.  If you are not doing,  producing meaningful work,  then you would feel depressed.  So,  it's a downward spiral to hell. So,  it doesn't matter what the world is giving you.  Do not buy them.  Be choosy about this.  Do not let anything which is not good or useful, enter your house.  If you have so much unwanted stuff,  emotions,  memories,  feeling,  you better clean up your house,  declutter your mind. It doesn't matter what the world is giving you, it only matters what you want and need.
503. Man needs two things to accomplish any great things, love and reason. If you do not have love,  then achieve greatness for a reason
504. You are the one who is writing your biography. You can either create pages of following  your dream doing hard work or you can create the pages of how unlucky, cruel the world is. You are the creator of your world. Even though it sounds too egoistic , but in deep sense it is true, because your world is created by your senses, if you die, you no longer live in a world. So, your world completely depends on you and your life-style.
505. Every superhero or a great man born when he accepts and loves himself just the way he is. 
506. When you want something, go for it. Don’t think too much, because if you do that , there will be million reasons for not going for it.
507. Being young does not mean you are good, smart, critical or genius. In simple , being young is not enough to thrive in this world.
508. Do not let the vastness of knowledge scare you or confuse you or make you feel little. You should instead be proud of the achievement of the humans.
509. What does make a man smart or genius ? I think it’s his decisions. A smart man weigh his options and take the right , positive decisions that will only lead to integrity , not degradation.
510. When you are making a decision, keep one thing on the mind and that is to ask yourself if the decision you are making have whether +ve or –ve results. 
511. Count your actions daily and think about the decisions you are making. Every actions has it’s +ve and –ve result regarding the time, place and situation. For example, sleeping at 10.00 pm will eventually have many +ve results, such as you could wake up at 6 am, with 8 hours of sleep, which just feels right. Try it and you will know it. But if you sleep at 12 pm at night, to get the essential 8 hours of sleep, you would have to wake at 8 am, which is not very productive, its sounds lazy, not awesome. So, if you  want to make the right decisions in life and without right decisions , your actions will not have any good result, thus it won’t improve you or make you productive or awesome. The path to awesomeness or greatness is the path made by a good habit, good decisions.
512. Do not get scared of other’s success or be happy about other’s failure, because you had nothing to do with it. Do not get busy or waste your time on that.
513. Do not be afraid of the future or feel guilty for your past.
514. Whatever bad you did in the past, was done by your past. That was not the now you.
515. It is easy to have nightmares. Nightmares are free. But a good, fantastic dream is hard to find.
516. I wonder why people forget their hardest days, the days of suffering  the minute they are over. The days of our suffering teach us of our wrong doings and we can learn from them not to do those in the future.a
517. Do not live for just stimulation of your sex organs, life is so much greater than that. Learn something new, listen to new good music everyday.
518. There is a paranoia rising in the world, a paranoia that stops us from trusting people. I think only love can break the paranoia. The paranoia was not spontaneous , it was created by millions of cheating, fake love , heartbreak, media. Only true love can free the world from the paranoia.
519. Be free from the fear and worry of future and live in your present like you are the ruler of your life.
520. The more you learn the more knowledge you have, the more brighter and colorful the world gets.
521. Man learns greatest with the help of pictures, diagrams and films.
522. Fear comes from darkness , ignorance, laziness, lack of knowledge, lack of clarity. When you know things , fear gets away and you feel good.
523. Fear is a heavy burden. Be free , from fear by increasing your knowledge, learning new things the best way you can.

524. You can do two things about what you love . You can either embrace it and feel great or you can run and hide in the dark and feel terrible.
525. First love is intoxicating.
526. Hard work is meaningless if you are not towards the integrity.
527. When you hear something rude, hateful from others, remember that it is that person , who has that rudeness, hatefulness inside him or her. A peaceful, satisfied person never speaks to other with anger, hate or rudeness. Just know that you don’t own that hate, rudeness.
528. Don’t judge a whole country and all of it’s people by what you know , have seen on TV, because as hard as it is to accept that your knowledge is limited just like everyone’s including me.
529. Some people glow highest in the darkest of times, just like stars shine in the night sky.
530. Do not be motivated by showing off, hate or revenge or proving something to others. Be motivated by good intention that can help people live better lives.
531. Do not think that life is going to good and everything will get sorted out on it’s own, if you sit down and wait for the supernatural being to help you out. The truth is you have to help yourself, if you don’t , life is not going to be good or easy.
532. Do not let other’s doubt in you depress you. You can be good, you can have a good life if you just trust yourself.
533. Sometimes some dreams are so powerful that they can change your life and other’s life.
534. It is amazing how you can store and save the little things in life , which will one day would be big deals.
535. Desire is the root of all pain and gain.

536. You cannot try to satisfy a  group  or a field or the future of mankind . You cannot predict that. So, what should you do with your life ? You should make your life , your days as satisfactory  as much as you can. You cannot satisfy other’s curiosity, wills. So, you should try to satisfy yourself, your curiosity because that is how you can do anything good, even great. Keep pursuing your own passion.
537. It is not about what service you can give, it is about what interests you have ? Your interests should not be taken for granted. The key to your happiness, success and greatness of your life depends on your interests. Your interests , likes and love can only make you happy. If you shut out love, likes and interests, then you are living at all.
538. No matter what you are studying or your interests. One of the most important you should learn and keep in your heart is that everything connected, every piece of the world is important to solve the big puzzle, No subject or interest is solitary or alien from each other. All subjects are connected even though it seems that they are not. No matter what your interest is, you can connect it  with the other subjects and interests.
539. There are thousand existential question to be unhappy, depressed. Even still, keep those questions aside and make the best of what you have, your family, relationship, your curiosity and interests.
540. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the million questions and unknown things. Just take a deep breath and enjoy the day the best you can.
541. If you have a problem and your usual solution is not helping you , then you better change the solution, a solution that connects you to life, a solution that makes you feel and integrates your life. 19-7-15
542. Ego will tell you that you can do everything easily, but some works takes patience, hard work, concentration and long hours. 23-7-15
543. Who you are is what you do, how you live no matter where you are. 26-7-15
544. Choices you make based on your intution , trust me they are the best choices and you should never regret about them. 30-7-15
545. Either you are running after your dreams or you are running away from them. 31-7-15 
546. Life is weird ,life is filled with more strangeness than combining all the fictions, fantasy and sci-fi. So, keep your mind open. Strange things can happen. Believe yourself, trust yourself, miracles can happen and happens  too often in life and yet we are blind to see. We are blinded by the horrors feeded to us by the media and we are too busy  being famous on the internet to see and appreciate the beauty of the strangeness of life, world and universe. 8-10-15
547. . Liberate yourself from the fear of criticism and generate the great works from the greatness that lies within. 17-10-15
548. You can not change your past, but you can always learn from past to change your present and ultimately change your future, your destiny. 18-10-15
549. Just because you are not doing what others are doing, that does not mean that you are wasting your time only if you are not doing what you enjoy. 22-10-15
550. Do not say that life is hard and it’s pressure is crushing you because it is normal to feel that way if you want to experience life fully as life is a multidimensional experience.  23-10-15
551. It does not matter whether you are all alone or you have company, stay connected with your true feelings and love. 24-10-15
552. There are many things in life that we think we want, but when we get those things , then we realize that you do not want it because you never really wanted them. 24-10-15
553. Love is caring about someone without exactly knowing why. 24-10-15
554. It is not okay that some people in neighbors are quite annoying. But it will be okay if you do not get annoyed by ignoring the things that you can. 26-10-15
555. Love should not be about expecting care, favor or any rewards. When you love for reward that love is not true, because when you don not get the reward you desired by loving, you end up hating the very thing you loved before. 28-10-15
556. . The power of knowledge lies in your choices to harness them or to leave them in ignorance. 28-10-15
557. Do not be angry with what you are going through because you have to go through a lot of shit to be  truly free. 28-10-15
558. Everyday is a second chance to redeem yourself . Everyday is a second chance to better yourself. 13-10-15
559. Life is a quest to find out how much better you can be , how much higher you can fly. 13-10-15
560. Everything that has happened is a past. You can not change past to make your present or future any better. You have to change your present to make your future better. 13-11-15
561. Be yourself and listen to yourself, only to yourself even though people around you are saying you are wrong, because no one knows the ultimate truth. 13-11-15
562. You can be happy if you live your life your own style removing out all the labels, fears the people have pinned to you. 13-11-15
563. Being better means being yourself , being creative or expressing your great within. 13-11-15
564. In Something you are good at naturally, in something  you are not. 
565. You want something, you must go get it or you can wait until you realize that you must get out of your comfort zone.
566. Fearing doesn't make a damn thing easy or less hard. So don't be afraid,  face  good, evil or the impossible with courage.
567. Ask yourself what would you do if you had no money problem.
568. As far love is concerned you can't love everyone
569. When you have everything, what does that feels like 
570. Life is beautiful, there is no doubt about it,  but when see the ugly side of life ,we can not seem to let go of that image
571. Desperation makes you foolish, ignorant.
572. Don't worry about death,  death comes to all. 
573. Everyone will die one day, your grandpa, grandma and your father and mother.  You will die too.  It is the truth, the sooner we accept this truth of  death, the better we feel about life and being alive.
574. There are stars thousand times bigger than the sun, even those stars die dancing, then why won't you die ? 
575. There are stars thousand times bigger than the sun, even those stars die dancing, then why won't you die ? 
576. Nothing is immortal, even this world, the sun,  the galaxy and the universe
577. We can not stop our death, so it is better to live the days of our lives with goodness, kindness and little bit of curiosity.
578. Do not take blame for everything.
579. It doesn't matter who you are, it is all about what you do with your time.
580. It is not your fault that the world is not kind and loving. 
581. It is not your fault that people die.
582. It is not your fault that some people hates you for nothing. It's their problem.
583. It is not your fault that your friends and family cannot appreciate, respect or support you. It is their own inability to recognize goodness and greatness. 

584. Lying to yourself is the cause of your pain,  hopelessness.
585. Being who you are within is the way to the freedom of life.
586. Life is meant to be lived, but being true to yourself and to the world.
587. Living  a life with your true identity is the greatest way to live.
588. Just because you know that someone loves you dearly, that doesn't mean you should take advantage of their love to your own gain. That is just pathetic way of living and ofcourse that life is not a good life or a great one.
589. Your true interests and choices never makes you feel bad.
590. Keep searching until you find the exactly what you need, don't compromise your needs by settling down to the given. 
591. The world makes you feel the way you see the world.
592. Media, TV are the creator of the paranoia. 
593. Freedom comes with great responsibilities , you can't become mad,  become liar, hateful or jealous.
594. True love is like the gravity that pulls two heavy objects to each other.
595. I now know that all I can do is live with the people I know. It's exhausting to keep searching for the answers, tips from somewhere else, you already know what you have and what you need.
596. Live like there is a tomorrow because if you live like there is no tomorrow, then you are either hopeless or reckless. 
597. 589.   You can't really have a good conversation if there is no mutual interest.
598. 590. The truth is we all make mistakes.  But some people make the same mistake over and over again. That is called addiction.  We all live in the world we create. We all spend our days believing in our own philosophy of how everything is going to happen. Now a days people, we think so much more than our forefathers used to.  We are in a age of mind,  psyche. Everything that is happening outside your body seems unreal sometime. The reality is based on space, time objects. All of these are relative.  Maybe the things, the world outside your mind seems relative, it is because you know that everybody you see on the road is going to die or not exist or going to change.
599. When you are living too much in the fantasy world, you lose the sense of the real world, real feelings and real life.
600. You are too busy watching films and tv series, that real world is just an another show to you and you don't care much because you are used to only watching other people getting what they want,  you have no practice of living your own life,  getting what you want.

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