Why some Idleness is important in life by Jitu Das philosophy

What does it mean to be s human? It is a strange time for humankind, so much change is happening every day from technology to our ideas, beliefs. It is an exciting time, it is also a time of declining morality, it is a time of anxiety and depression. We have everything and we feel like we have nothing. I am not going to blame the corporate world. It's not their fault that you feel unhappy. Then who's a fault is it? It's not anyone's fault, but it is still wrong with humankind. It feels we have lost the sense of time, we are do busy all time with our tv series, movies, internet social networks, it's like we are too busy, there is no idleness. What idleness I am talking about is that we should not be too busy all day wasting time on the internet, tv, video games or anything that sucks a lot of energy. Social networks are the highest energy-wasting places, people posting photos, writing controversy matter to get attention, its really tiresome to look at.

You don't need to express themselves all the time, sometimes you just need to relax and be with yourself and your family and talk about good stuff. While being, don't spend your time scrolling time on social networks. Take a break, plug in good music and be content.

Idleness is more than just being in the bed, sometimes we need to keep ourselves sane, because it is the insanely busy and anxious world. What we are becoming is more like a machine, always multitasking, always a distraction from the present moment. It's like we are always running away from this moment, trying to escape from being still and stimulating the brain all the time.

Lin Yutang, talks about the importance of idleness in his book " The importance of living". It's a book about enjoying life to the fullest. But at that time he wrote a book, people used to already had not been that busy. What are we if we don't indulge in idleness sometimes, wouldn't we be a machine.

Idleness is important for your health if you are staring at the tv, phone all the time, it's stressful to eyes, mind. It just drains out the energy from the body. It's much more beneficial for just be there and rest. Idleness is not a bad thing. Idleness is not the root of the devil. Idleness could actually help you ponder about things, time to do some meditation or daydreaming.

I wish there was grass in
the field and I would
lie for a while anyday
I wish there was,
time and I would,
have taken some rest,
I wish there was,
a girl who loved me,
I would have a lie
by on the grass for
As long as there was
time in the world.
~ Jitu Das, 2/4/17

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